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Alastor woke up and checked the time, he had slept in! He had completely forgotten about the incident of yesterday as he got out of bed and snapped his fingers, his suit appearing in a flash. He snapped his fingers once more and the bed was made, he sighed happily, his powers could be so useful sometimes. He summoned his staff and put his biggest smile on, opening his bedroom door and practically skipping down the stairs.

He smiled at his friends and welcomed new faces to the hotel who were checking in, even though he didn't cares bout those filthy sinners. Charlie saw his enthusiasm,
"Excited about Angel I see, the doctors called, we are leaving to pick him up in 45 minutes!" She said to Alastor happily. Alastor was glad he could see his daughter and boyfriend finally out of the hospital. He wanted to hope that they never went back into the hospital, Angel had been in there enough already.

Alastor went over to the bar where Husker was, for once cleaning. He smiled at Alastor, he seemed sober, was he actually taking this redemption seriously? That would be surprising, he hadn't given a thought about wether redemption was actually possible, if it was Angel should probably be in heaven right now. But he was also kind of glad he wasn't, he wouldn't want Angel to leave him, as much as he believed the demon should be in heaven. Nifty was sitting on the stool talking to Husk about something, Alastor sat down next to her and the two stopped talking,
"Alastor!! You're up! Here's your breakfast!" Nifty said exctaticly, running into the kitchen and bringing Alastor a plate of human bacon and eggs.

Alastor smiled and thanked Nifty, dumping the plate into his mouth and eating it in one swallow. Husker looked at him in a small shock, but he was sort of used to his odd friend. The two friends went back into conversation and Alastor disposed of his plate in the kitchen sink. He checked the time, 35 minutes, he was bored, time seemed to go by so slowly. He went into the lobby and saw the others. Arackness and Sir Pentious were saying something to Cherri and Molly who were on the couch. Whatever it was it seemed to really annoy the two and they were blushing like crazy, Arackness and Sir Pentious were laughing at them. Charlie and Vaggie waved at Alastor and went back to talking and doing paperwork as usual, still there seemed to be excitement filling the air.

Alastor teleported them all as soon as 45 minutes was up and they were all in front of the hospital for what was hoped to be the final time. Almost everyone swore in shock as they had all been doing there own things and Alastor gave them no warning. Alastor helped some of his friends up and left others on the floor, it was entertaining. Alastor rushed into the hospital pushing past doctors and patients, his friends scrambling to keep up with his incredible speed.

Angel stood there in shock as he was tackled into a hug,
"Careful babe, you almost crushed her!" Angel said laughing, Alastor hadn't realised she had already picked up Ashleigh at the nursery, although now that he thought about it Ashleigh probably didn't go back to that nursery, she would've destroyed the place. Alastor apologised to his daughter and turned to face the others. They were all speaking and complimenting Ashleigh, she was giggling and Angel held her tighter. Angel followed his friends outisde the hospital when they realised that they had teleported there. Alastor smiled and snapped his fingers, it actually took quite a bit of power out of him to teleport that many people at once, but he didn't mind, with Valentino still lurking out there there was no way he was letting anyone walk home.

They arrived at the hotel,
"Look baby! This is your home!" Angel said lifting her up so she could see the hotel, Ashleigh giggled and clapped her hands. Charlie almost started tearing up at what Angel said, he saw the hotel as a home, even better the right home for his child! Charlie felt honoured and Vaggie put a hand on her girlfriends shoulder,
"Not now Char, you can cry later!" She laughed, Charlie nodded not making a sound, she had a huge smile on her face. Angel went upstairs and the others followed. Arackness and Molly who were in front of Angel opened the door to the nursery when they reached it, it was just as Angel had last seen it just much cleaner and a few things had been moved. It looked great and Angel could tell Ashleigh agreed.

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