Figuring stuff out...

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Alastor was peacefully sleeping in bed and started stirring at the sound coming from his bathroom. He slowly woke up and opened his eyes ever so slightly, he couldn't make out the noise. He opened his eyes fully and got out of bed. He opened the bathroom door and found Angel crouched in front of the toilet throwing up. He turned as the door creaked and saw Alastor,
"Sorry Al, mornin' sickness, didn't mean to wake ya." He coughed and threw up more and Alastor remembered he had let Angel in.

He nodded,
"No worries dear, it's not your fault." He smiled brightly with tiredness in his voice. Angel smiled weakly with large bags under his eyes, not such a good night then, Alastor thought. Alastor snapped his fingers and was immediately changed,
"I'll meet you downstairs darling." He said and disappeared. Angel chuckled, why was aly doing this was his biggest question but he just thought Al maybe had a heart after all, he was the father after Al he had to show some responsibility.

Alastor appeared in the living room and startled everyone, Vaggie spilled her coffee and swore in Spanish, Husk woke up cursed and immediately fell back asleep, and Charlie and nifty jumped a little and smiled at Al. Charlie said her usual good morning, Al replied cheerfully and went into the kitchen. He walked over to the fridge and used his staff to open up a secret compartment in the fridge and pulled at a plastic box with what appeared to be old rotting flesh inside. He joyfully opened it up and scarfed it down.

Angel stumbled down the stairs with a barf bag in hand,
"Angel- are you okay, you look sick." Charlie said looking up from her knitting once more. Angel looked over at her and grinned,
"Just a stomach bug, not feelin' myself, I'll be fine!" Angel tried to lie but Charlie didn't buy it,
"Maybe it's because you've bearly eat anything all week, you need to have something, want to you want Angel?" She asked. Angel wanted to fight back but Charlie gave him a look that said, I'm not changing my mind, so he thought for a moment and then blurted out,
"Eggs and chocolate!!" For some reason he craved it, Charlie wanted to ask but instead obliged and started preparing it.

Angel threw up again but pushed Charlie away when she tried to help, he assured her he was fine. Charlie gave him his food which he devoured and then he left the room and went back upstairs. Al turned around and found Angel was already gone, he had to expect that, he was sure Angel was extremely tired and had alot to think about. So did he.

Alastor awkwardly walked around the room, not knowing whether to follow Angel, he didn't want any of the others to be suspicious. Charlie noticed him wandering around without a purpose and questioned him,
"Hey Al? What are you doing you look lost." Alastor spun around and replied confidently,
"I'm fine darling, just looking for some documents, probably in my room, give me a moment!" He snapped his fingers and disappeared into thin air. Charlie just sighed, he never stays long to chat, just disappears, she snuggled up next to Vaggie and they turned a movie on.

Alastor teleported into Angels room, where he knew he would be, Angel was sitting on his bed and dropped his phone as Alastor teleported into the room. He calmed himself down quickly and looked over at Alastor,
"Hey Al, do ya need something?" Alastor smiled sweetly,
"No my dear, but I thought you would need some company!" Both he and Angel blushed and he came over to Angel and sat next to him, "Why so troubled dear?" He noticed Angels face and Angel tensed up for a moment.

Angel sighed,
"I'm wondering how to tell the other, I mean, how long can I keep 'is from them, what do ya think?" Alastor hadn't even thought about telling the others, he thought for a moment,
"I think it would be best if you did..." Alastor ignored the warnings in his mind and listened to his gut. Angel closed his eyes and nodded, he got up and kissed Alastor on the cheek,
"Thanks sugar." He said flirtatiously, Alastor turned red and his eyes turned to static, Angel left the room and Alastor calmed down before listening to what was going on downstairs, how would it play out was his only concern.

Angel came downstairs once more and Charlie and Vaggie looked up at his sudden arrival. Angel smiled and sat on the armrest of the couch. Charlie cocked her head confused,
"Angel? Do you need something?" Vaggie asked disappointed to have stopped snuggling with Charlie. Angel sighed and turned to look at the stairs, he suddenly got an idea and ran upstairs, there would be an easier way to tell them.

Charlie and Vaggie waited for a moment and heard Angel re-desending the steps. Charlie wanted to ask what was going on, but knew Angel was trying to tell them something, meanwhile Vaggie remained clueless and looked in annoyance at Angel. Angel took a deep breath and showed them the pregnancy test.

It took a moment for Charlie and Vaggie to realise what it was, Charlie just froze in shock, while Vaggie burst out laughing. When they saw that Angel wasn't joking, Vaggies eyes widened and Angel smiled,
"Ta-da... I don't believe it either but apparently it's possible, I don't know what I was expecting, I am a slut!" Angel chuckled. Charlie got up and hugged Angel, Vaggie just sat there baffled. Angel hugged her back and laughed, he wanted to cry, but he had already cried enough for the week.

Angel felt very awkward as he sat around everybody, Nifty looked deep in thought and Charlie looked just as awkward as he felt.
"Kay guys, I think ima just head upstairs k? It's been a long day y'know?" Angel said getting up. Charlie quickly nodded and looked over at Vaggie,
"What are we gonna do?" She whispered and Vaggie shrugged. Husker went back to the bar to forget everything he had just learned, and for some reasons Nifty was searching something up on the laptop.

Angel went up to his bedroom and wasn't looking at where he was going and suddenly fell into a black void, he gasped landing on a soft bed in a familiar room. He looked up at Alastor with an annoyed smile,
"Y'know you can just text right?" He said and Alastor chuckled before responding,
"And wheres the fun in that my dear?" He said and Angel quietly laughed, he went into the bathroom to change and Al snapped his fingers and was already dressed. When Angel came out of the bathroom Alastor was already in bed reading his book again.

Angel smiled and hesitantly got into bed with him, he looked over at Al and attempted to look at the book he was reading again, Alastor covered it up, Angel decided to make small talk.
"So Al, who woulda thought? The irresponsible ho got pregnant? Ima be a terrible dad hah!" Angel looked down in panic, that's not what he meant to say at all, when he gets nervous he insults himself, but that's not what he wanted to do at all, especially in front of Al.

Alastor held Angels hand and made him jump, Angel looked up and Alastor had a warm smile on his face,
"My dear, don't ever say that about yourself," he sounded almost mad, "You are going to be a great father... And... I will be by your side if you ever... Need me." Those last few words were almost a whisper, Al put down his book and Angel finally saw what he was reading, ' how to be a great father'. Angel put his hand to his mouth as tears rolled down his eyes, he never had someone care about him. Angel hugged Alastor and Alastor took a moment to adjust, he hated being touched. It didn't take long though before he comforted Angel until he fell asleep in his arms.

Alastor held Angel as he slept quietly and peacefully, he soon also fell asleep by his side, half waking up when Angel started tossing and turning, probably in a nightmare, he always managed to get him back to sleep, such a cute and unusual couple.

*Quick edit to this story because I haven't finished the next part yet, happy new year to all you amazing people that bothered to read my story, you are all amazing have a great 2022!!!*

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