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Charlie went to go open the large door,
"Hello! Welcome to the happy hotel!" She half heartedly tried to seem enthusiastic to the two demons Infront of her. She gasped as she saw the two spider demons stare at her, one who didn't look like he cared, and the other a smiley and happy pink and white demon.

"Hello! Charlie, Is it? We've come early to surprise Angel! We are his siblings! We usually surprise our brother around December but we decided to come early!" The pink and white demon said, looking in the hotel for her brother. Charlie put her hand to her mouth and felt tears well up in her eyes,
"Y-yes... Molly and... Arackness. N-nice to finally meet you..." She sniffed and Molly cocked her head and looked at her with a kind smile.
"Are you alright? Where's Angie?" She asked as she saw Vaggie come up to her girlfriend spotting the demons, she froze immediately knowing who they were from pictures Angel showed her.

Vaggie sighed and pulled her girlfriend back and gestured the two demons too come in. Molly and Arackness were now a bit worried, they hadn't heard from their brother in a while, but they thought he just got a new number or something. They looked around the hotel, hoping their brother to pop out of somewhere and greet them happily. They sat down on the lobby couch opposite from eachother.

Charlie looked at Vaggie and she nodded encouragingly at her. Charlie took a deep breath and began,
"You're brother... He was put in hospital after... Valentino came after him, because somehow ... Uh Angel got- pregnant... He's been in the hospital for a few days now and... We still don't know if he is going to be okay." She got quieter and quieter until she bearly whispered the last bit. Molly chocked back a sob and fell into her brother's arms. He whispered things in Italian to her and pat her on the back, a tear fell from his eye.

Charlie wiped her own tear from her eye and Vaggie kissed her on the cheek and smiled shakily at her. Molly finally spoke after quite a while of silence,
"Can we see him? Please..."  She asked and Charlie nodded, she wrote down the hospital address and gave it to Molly, Vaggie got up and drove them there, she was sweating and they could tell she was very uncomfortable with going to the hospital. Vaggie and Angel were quite close friends, they hung out quite a bit and had a lot in common.

They arrived and Vaggie held the door open for them and checked them in. They approached Angels ward and heard some noises. Molly went in and stepped back into her brother as she saw Angel there, his wounds had healed but he had some nasty scars on him. They would eventually be hidden by Angels fur but they looked painful and Molly wanted to run to her twin and have him hug her back and tell her he was fine.

Her eyes darted on the gentleman beside Angels bed, Alastor, who sat and looked like he was playing with radio signals. He looked up at the visitors and tried to smile, he bearly formed a small grin before he gave up and turned away from the demons,
"Who the hell are you?" Molly said coming up to him and snatching his staff, taking a look at it.
"For your information I am Angels boyfriend..." He said snatching the stick back with a growl. She looked at him and then back at his twin,
"You don't look like you care about his state, do you even love him. Your just seeing him like this and playing with a radio!" She said trying to take the radio off him. He slapped her hand away and looked at his boyfriends corpse and shakily took a breath,
"I do, believe me if it was my choice I would be in that bed. The radio is for contacting him..." He replied.

Molly scoffed and went back to Arackness,
"What a convincing excuse! As if you could contact him, how could you!" Molly hugged her brother and Vaggie actually looked intrigued as to Alastor's thinking. She knew the radio demon would never lie,
"Well earlier I was watching my darling when the radio signal changed to something unusual. It was a message, it was Angel wishing that I could hear him, telling me he wanted to see me again. The radio changed and I've been trying to find a way back to the signal..."  Alastor looked away from the demons in embarrassment.

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