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(This chapter is just going to be some of the characters having fun all together, not to much drama. If you don't really like this kind of stuff you can skip this chapter, but it is really cute!!!)

They set up monopoly and decided to do girls versus boys. Vaggie, Nifty and Charlie against Husk, Alastor and Angel. They started playing and it seemed like the boys had it all under control. But Vaggie was extremely competitive and decided to buy everything she landed on, that lost them almost all of there money, but they quickly got it all back because of the amount of times the boys landed on them.

Angel and Vaggie were doing everything and you could feel the competitive-ness radiating off of them, they were honestly kind of scared,
"Well you and Al have something in common Charlie, you both have crazy ass boyfriend/girlfriend." Husk chuckled, Vaggie and Angel snapped there heads at him and Husk felt a shiver down his spine. Charlie and Alastor blushed hard and Alastor tugged on his colar.
He wasn't used to everyone knowing about the relationship so he looked over at Charlie who seemed just as awkward. They both laughed at the sight of eachother.

They played for another hour or so, the boys were getting there come back when Vaggie lost alot of money as she kept landing on chance cards that made her give it up. The game wasn't looking like it was going to end anytime soon and Vaggie rolled. She landed on a community chest and went to jail. Vaggie flipped the board in rage and pieces scattered across the floor and under the couch. Nifty quickly cleaned it up and put it back into the box. They all laughed and Vaggie chuckled and put a hand to her neck, she was almost embarrassed.

Alastor played against Husk in chess and succeeded, Husk swore alot and asked for a rematch. He played well but eventually cornered himself causing Alastor to win. Husk growled and said he would sit the next game out.

Next was twister. Luckily the lobby was big enough for them to set it out, they got many weird looks from residents who walked past. They all laughed as Angel spun first, right hand blue. They had to set up multiple twister mats to they could all play, there simply wasn't enough room. Charlie shouted after a few minutes of playing, she had fallen over. She had been very unlucky in placement which she couldn't blame anything but the spinner for, she threw it and Nifty (who sat out this game too) tan to get it.

Charlie laughed at her own rage as the others continued to play,
"That isn't fair on us! Angel has extra sets of arms!" Alastor said pointing with his only free hand at the spider who seemed to be having no issues. Angel smirked and tried to shrug cheekily, almost falling. Alastor laughed and Angel stuck his tongue out at him.

Vaggie fell after a while to but just simply went to the couch and snuggled up next to her girlfriend. Suddenly Alastor got an idea, he and Angel both seemed like they would last a very long time to Alastor learned over to Angel. Angel looked at him suspiciously, he knew the radio demon was no good,
"Ready for a round two love?" Alastor whispered suductively to Angel. Angel blushed hard and as Alastor had planned he lost his balance out of shock and embarrassment and fell over.

He was still blushing so hard that his face was practically pink. Everyone laughed Ange Vaggie fell of the couch in laughter,
"You bitch! Ima get you back for that you asshole!" Angle shouted at Alastor who was laughing his head on with the others now laying down on the mat. Angel got up quickly and threw himself at the radio demon. He landed on him and Alastor fell back had the wind knocked out of him. Angel lay across his stomach and was laughing, the others had watched the whole thing and Charlie joined Charlie on the floor as they laughed together. Alastor laughed and his laugh got darker and Angel looked at him cheekily,
"You'll regret that..." Symals floated around him as he said that and Angles eyes widened. He got up and started running, Alastor chased his boyfriend around the lobby and the others watched, they didn't know if they should help or laugh.

The two continued chasing eachother until Charlie finally decided to intervene and stopped Alastor. She joke fully scolded them and told them to kiss and make up. Alastor and Angel crossed there arms like children and scoffed. Alastor leaned over and quickly kissed Angel on the forehead, Angel blushed and forgave him.

They were going to play some more but first, because they were in that couple mood they decided to turn on a nice Halloween movie as it was about that season. Angel snuggled up next to Alastor and put his head on his shoulder. Charlie snuggled up with Vaggie who put her arm around her. Nifty sat on Husks lap and Husker didn't know what to do at the adorable demon in front of him.

They all felt comfortable as they watched the movie and a sense of love was in the air in this vertually unnoticed hotel in the huge pride ring full of prideful sinners who had no care for the little project Charlie had started. The movie finished and they all sighed, slightly disappointed that the moment ended.

They played a few more board games and one by one they started yawning, Angel and Vaggie won the most games and Charlie won the least, she laughed at her score of zero. She never understood why people were so competitive so she didn't really mind about her loss.

They planned to do this the next month, they had done it the last few months but had never had this much fun as it always had to be cut short because someone had to do something. They were all quite close now and almost felt like a bit of a messed up family. They said there good nights and reaslied that Angel and Alastor went into the same room. They were all still a little excited but eventually they all slept peacefully. This hotel really was a special place,none of them had ever felt more like they belonged.

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