Frisk and Chara x Reader Part 2

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Knocking on their front door, you felt yourself shaking in fear of the voice returning. The door opens to reveal Frisk. They smiled at you.
"Hey, (y/n)-" they stopped mid sentence once they saw the look of fear on your face. "(Y/n)? What happened?? Here, come inside, you're shivering really badly and it's cold out there." They said, moving to the side to let you through. The place looked cozy enough. The living room you were standing in had yellow walls with different kinds of flowers along the borders. There was a couch and two large couch like chairs in the middle of the room. Across the room was a fire place that was lit. Chara sat in front of it.
They turned to look at you. "(Y/n)?" They asked, standing up and walking over to you.
You sniffled. "G-guys, I need help. Please." Chara lead you to the couch, followed by Frisk. The three of you sat down- Chara to your left and Frisk to your right.
"It's alright, (y/n). Whatever's going on, we'll help you. Calm down and tell us what's going on." Frisk told you softly with a reassuring smile on their face. You took a few deep breaths. The twins waited as your shaking slowed. Eventually, you were calm enough to speak. You explained to them the weird feelings you've been dealing with along with the voice. As you spoke, you noticed the twins giving each other a strange look. Once you finished, Frisk spoke.
"That's weird. I'm sorry you're going through all of this. You said it was a female voice?"
You nodded.
"She didn't say anything to you on your way here?" Asked Chara. You nodded again.
Frisk snapped their fingers as an idea came to their mind. "I'm not really sure what to do, but maybe while we figure this out you can sleep over. I know it's a school night, but I'm sure mom won't mind. You need help after all and I don't think the voice would say anything to you if you're not alone."

Chara nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I don't like the idea of you being alone. Who knows what the hell this thing wants. It's better if you stay with us."
You looked away from the two of them. "I- are you sure? I feel bad about dropping this on you two. Especially since we just met."
Frisk laughed. "Sure that's true, but you're a friend now. There's no way we can just leave you with this. Who knows what it's got planned. It's better for us to take this thing on together. (Y/n), will your family be okay with you spending the night?"
You nodded. "Yeah, dad won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, so I'm good."
Frisk stood up. "I'll go call mom. Be right back." With that, they left. You leaned back against the couch.
"Hey," Chara began, while poking your cheek, "don't worry about this. Whatever it is, we'll kick its ass."
You looked over at Chara and gave them a weary smile. "Y-yeah. Okay. I believe you."
Chara grinned. "Good, after all, you are my official chocolate sauce buddy."
You laughed. "Hell yeah I am."
Frisk walked into the room with a smile. That was quick, you thought.
"Hey, I just got the okay from mom. She said she got out early and is on her way. Chara, you can go set up the guest room while I start dinner."
Chara groaned. "Do I have to?"
Frisk shrugged. "It's not my fault you try burning the house down every time you get near the stove."
They glared at Frisk. "I do not."
Frisk raised an eyebrow. "You literally burned cereal. Cereal, Chara."
You snickered as Chara stood and walked out the room, mumbling complaints the whole time.

Frisk shook their head and looked over at you. "Want to join me?"
"Sure." You said, standing up and following Frisk out of the room. You two entered a light purple hallway that had several doors. Frisk pointed to the end of it.
"Kitchen is at the end after the basement door on the left. Mom's room is the door closest to us, mine and Chara's room is the second door down, and your room is right across from it."
You nodded as you followed them down the hallway, glancing at the room Frisk said was yours for the night. The door was opened, allowing you to see Chara in the room. Still complaining.
You chuckled before entering the kitchen. Frisk asked you to sit at the table while they worked on dinner. You offered to help but they declined. They told you it was simple enough for one person to handle. While they worked, the two of you chatted about random things. The conversation ranged from favorite shows to weirdest things either of you have found on the ground.
"You're lying. No way." Your voice was laced with jealousy.
Frisk laughed. "I know, crazy right? A whole two hundred dollars just laying on the side of the street."
You groaned. "Lucky, I wish I could find that much money."
The two of you heard a door open. "Frisk? Chara? I'm home." A voice said.
"I'm in the kitchen!" Frisk called out. You heard footsteps before a tall goat lady stood in the doorway.
"Oh Frisk dear, you didn't have to. I could've made dinner."
Frisk shook their head. "It's alright mom, you were working all day. I got this. It's almost done anyway."
She smiled before looking over at you. "Oh my, I didn't even see you. I'm sorry. You must be (y/n), I'm Toriel. It's nice to meet you."
She walked over to you and held out her hand- er, paw? You shook it.
"It's nice to meet you too."
The two of you pulled away as she spoke. "I'm sorry for what you're going through. I'm not really sure what's going on, but I'll try to do whatever I can to help. If you ever need a place you are more than welcomed here."
Her kindness touched your heart. You wished for a moment your mother was this nice.
"Thank you. I truly appreciate it."
She smiled as Frisk said dinner was ready.

Undertale/Deltarune Frisk/Chara/Kris x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now