Male! Chara x Preg! Female! Reader

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Chara smiled that night as he laid next to his wife, watching her peaceful face as she slept. With his hand he reached over and moved some of her hair away from her face. Slowly, his hand traveled downwards until he reached her belly. Gently, he crested it with his hand, giggling lightly when he felt one of the babies kick. Neither of them knew the genders as they wanted it to be a surprise. All they knew was that they were having twins. Wrapping his arm around her, he nuzzled his face into her face and drifted off into sleep.

The next morning he awoke to a brightly lit room. Next to him, his wife was still sleeping. Slowly he got up, carefully as to not wake her, and headed to the kitchen to get breakfast going. As he prepared breakfast, his mind wondered back to when he first met (y/n).


He groaned as he sat on the ground, the silence was deafening. After Frisk freed the monsters, they decided to just leave Chara behind, like was trash. Chara cursed under his breath. Just when he thought he made a frien- Chara shook his head. He sat alone in the throne room, ripping flowers from the ground and throwing them. Chara felt himself fading. Without Frisk's determination, Chara's soul was bound to disappear for good. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. This confused the brown haired male. Why is someone here? They should all be on the surface. Chara thought to himself. Just then, a girl entered the room. Her (e/c) eyes scanned the room while she gently shook. This amused the male a little bit.
"Hello?" She called out.
Even though the chance of her soul having enough determination to see home was slim to none, he still called out.
"Yes?" He asked. Surprisingly, she jumped as though she could hear him.
"Um, hello there! My name is (y/n). Who are you?" She asked, catching him pleasantly off guard.
"Chara." He said standing up and walking towards her. Once she noticed him, she smile and gave a small wave. He stopped walking and asked why she was here.
She scratched the back of her head. "I just wanted to see if there was anyone left."
He rolled his eyes. "Well congratulations, you found the last person." He glared at her. "Now if you're done, get lost." He turned around and began walking back.
"Uh, if it's not too much trouble, may I asked why you're here?
He stopped. "It is. Now go back to Frisk and the others and leave me be!" He yelled, clenching his fists.
She was silent for a moment, thinking about her words carefully. Slowly, she spoke. "Frisk left you here by yourself?"
Chara lightly gasped. He turned to face her. "How the hell-"
"Your anger. It seemed like it was directed at them." She cut him off.
He glared at her. "Well, now that you know, you can leave."
She shook her head with a smile. "Not without you, Chara."
He was genuinely surprised. "Why?" He whispered.
"Because nobody deserves to be abandoned all by themselves. Besides, you seem nice."
Chara laughed at this. "Nice?! Fucking nice?!" He walked closer to her, his eyes turning black. "I'm a killer! A megalomaniac! Nice is most certainly not a word to describe me!"
Still, she smiled at him. Even when he wrapped his hand around her throat. "You should fear me! You should be terrified." He paused. "Yet you're not. Just... what are you?"
Her eyes shown nothing but gentle kindness. "Someone who wants to be there for you. Someone who wants to be your friends."

After that first meeting, Chara ended up living with her. He explained what happened to him, before and after he met Frisk. Eventually, with her determination, he regained his own physical form. He still goes out of his way to avoid Frisk and the others, but (y/n) doesn't mind. Some time later, they got married. A few months ago they found out (y/n) was pregnant. The pair couldn't have been happier.

————-present day———

"Chara?" He heard his wife gently call out as she sleepily walked into the room. She wore pj pants and a large shirt. Even though the shirt was huge, you could still her swollen belly.

"Yes, my dear?" He asked as he went over to her, pulled out a chair for her and helped her sit down.

"Whatcha making?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. Chara found this extremely adorable. He quickly pecked her cheek before grabbing the finished food and bringing it over to the table.
"I just finished making pancakes." He said, getting them separate plates and filling them with food before going to the fridge and grabbing the chocolate. He brought it over to the table before handing it to his wife. (Y/n) then poured so much that the pancakes were no longer visible.

"Please tell me you don't want pickles on top."
She shook her head. "Not this time." Chara felt relived. He sat down and they ate breakfast together, occasionally talking about random things like baby names. After breakfast, Chara got up and began washing dishes while (y/n) went to the living room to read some books on childcare she recently got. While in the middle of cleaning dishes, Chara heard (y/n) scream as he also heard the sound of glass breaking. Quickly, he dropped the dish in the floor and ran to her.

"(Y/n)?!" He called out, shock covering his face when he reached the living room. One of the windows in the room was broken, shattered glass covered the floor. (Y/n) laid on her side while on the ground, arms protectively around her belly as a man with a black mask pressed a knife to her throat.

"S-stupid b-b-bitch!" He slurred, clearly drunk. Chara could smell the alcohol from where he stood. Chara's eyes darkened.

"Get. The hell. Away. From my wife." He said as the man looked at him and glared.

"Make m-me." The man hiccuped.

Chara smiled. "With pleasure~." Chara walked closer. "(Y/n) dear, close your eyes." Doing what she was told, she felt the man being forced off of her and thrown against what she assumed was a wall. The man screamed in pain as Chara giggled like a maniac. Soon, the smell of iron filled the air. As the man's screams lessened, (y/n) rubbed her belly to calm herself. The man's screams stopped and the room was filled with a deathly silence. Chara took this chance to pick up his wife, bridle style, and carry her to their room. As he gently lowered her onto the bed, he told her she could open her eyes. She did so hesitantly, already well aware of what she would see but not wanting to. Chara hovered above her, a smile adorning his face as blood covered his entire being.

"Are you hurt?" He asked and she shook her head. He smile gently at her and rubbed her cheek. "Good." He kissed her lips before pressing one to her belly. "I'm glad you three are okay, now stay here while I take care of the trash in the living room." With that, Chara got up and left the room. (Y/n) sighed and rubbed her belly. After all these years, she still sometimes forgot the obsession her lover held for her. It was why he forced her to marry him after knowing him for a few months. It was why all her friends disappeared when she brought him to the surface. Yes, she does love him, but she also knows what he'll do to ensure that she belongs to him and only him. She only hopes their children don't end up so crazy.

Undertale/Deltarune Frisk/Chara/Kris x Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now