Chapter 8: The Little Things

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It's been five months since the choke out fiasco. I've kept my distance from everyone, as in the end they chose to either be on Tony's side or remain indifferent. They didn't seem to question it and I don't mind. Bucky stuck with Steve, which is exactly what I asked of him. I'm an outsider so I get it.

I'm pretty observant though, even with my distance. I spent most of my life locked away, I've always learned through observation. Like, for instance, Nat tends to eat light for breakfast. Her coffee is straight from the pot to the mug, then to her mouth—disgusting.

Nat decided to move training to 5AM for the two of us, so we'd have two hours before everyone else trains.

I'm currently in the kitchen making myself some oatmeal. I popped some toast in for her and went to make our, well my coffee.

"Ugh... You continue to ruin the beauty that is a cup of coffee." Nat groans as she grabs her plate and mug, causing me to giggle.

"Thank you for breakfast." She mumbles while biting her toast.

"Of course. You'll need your strength for the ass whooping I'm prepared to give you." I replied, sitting to eat and sending her a wink.

"Oh, I'm prepared, I've been prepared, and I'll continue to be prepared again tomorrow."

"Hey, I've gotten you down a few times." I whine.

"Yeah, but I always get the upper hand in the end." She reminds me while placing her dishes in the sink.

"Let's go!" She asserts while clapping her hands together.
"I yield!" I pant out

"Tapping out are we??" Nat teases

"I'm tired. Tomorrow though... I'll win."

"Of course you will." She walks away with a chuckle.

Nat's POV

I went to get cleaned up after training and then I went to see if Y/N was interested in hanging out. I found her passed out in her bed, sprawled out on her stomach in the starfish position, still in her training clothes.
"Cute"  ... I whisper as I quietly shut her door.

She really is working so hard to be the best version of herself so she can go on missions. I'm starting to think she's working too hard.
I actually have to tell Fury today if I think she's ready. I'm conflicted, because she definitely is ready, but at the same time I don't want her out there yet. It's selfish, and I'm not meant to have feelings like this, so I guess I tell Fury she's ready...

However, my biggest concern is how the rest of the team is with her. Ever since the incident they've all continued to ice her out. Wanda and I are the only ones who interact with her in a friendly way. Bucky seems indifferent. Steve's not mean, but he sure isn't nice. Thor and Bruce just overlook her as if she's not there. Tony glares at her whenever she's around.
It just sucks that they don't see her, let alone see what she does for them.

When it's her week to shop, she's truly the most considerate. She always asks Wanda what she wants to cook, and meticulously gets the ingredients. She buys extra pop tarts for Thor and she hides them, secretly pulling them out when he's back on Earth. She gets the multitude of teas and coffees to fit everyone's preferences. She buys different milks to be conscious of dietary needs. She bought herself these deli cookies one time, and everyone ate them. So she makes sure to buy two packs so everyone can have their fair share of them. 

I also see her turning things off when people leave them on, which I know she's doing to appease Tony. She cooks breakfast on the weekends before everyone wakes up to give Wanda a break, which honestly leaves Y/N with none. She goes out of her way to restock the communal bathrooms, on all floors, not just ours.

She does everything for these idiots and they just don't see her.

Before I could get any angrier my phone began to ring.

"Hello, this is Agent Romanoff."

"Agent! Are you available to discuss if Y/N's ready or not yet?" Fury questions.

"Yes sir.

"Perfect, what's the consensus then?"

"Oh, you meant over the phone, ok. Yes, I've trained with her nonstop the last five months and she's definitely ready. She started off already great and she's progressed astronomically."

"Sounds about right. Now, in other news how about the other side?"

"They're still icing her out sir, but she's got Wanda and I in her corner."

"How about Rogers?"

"He's not mean, but he's also shockingly not nice."

"Well, how about for a mission? You think that could work?"

"Sir, what exactly are you asking? What's up?"

"Well, I have a mission for you, Y/N, and Rogers. I'll add Maximoff in just for a balance of people she's comfortable with. I wanted to be sure you guys could work together."

"Well that was fast." I mumble

"Romanoff, it's been five months. That's not fast, can you just focus and answer me?!"

"Yes sir. It would be just fine, I'd make sure of it."

"Good to hear Romanoff! I'll send the mission files over, and leave it to you to take the lead. The missions time sensitive, so it needs to take place within the next five days."

"Yes sir!"

Well, this is going to be fun!

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