▶Chapter #1: Why me?

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Fückity fuck fuck Fuck! Screwed i'm so screwed fück my life to the fullest! What am i gonna do!? It wasn't my fault.

Hurriedly walking to the other side of the crappy apartment almost tripping twice on multiple beer, natural light, vodka bottles or cans, ect. Basically any kind of alcohol or booze substance that wilson an his so called friends leave around because thier too busy to throw them away.

I was in a state of serious panic, panting an whipping the sweat from my forehead as i was in the kitchen twisting the irritating faucets nob with difficulty, i leaned over bowing my head under it letting the jaw clenching cold water run over the back of my head, trying to remain calm.

Nearly breaking my finger stopping the dämn rusty nob i prop myself on the heels of my hands over the sink with my head hung low as the water droplets fell from my hair into the sink with a soft thunk. Aiding my mental panic-- Gulping down the terrifying fear, i shook my head like a dog would it's wet fur, splattering little drops of water here & there- running my hand through my dampened wild locks i call hair; breathing in the humid enclosed air, ready to walk down the hall to my room an forget this day every happened, like a dream.

Yeah like a dream, flipping my hair back, rubbing my temples i lazily stumble in the direction of my bedroom. Tonight i need sleep.

Knock knock.

My small form froze in mid-step while rolling my eye's over in the direction of the front door, my hands began to shake-- licking my lips nervously i breathed deeply exhaling through my mouth feeling close to hyperventilating.

Da-bump da-bump.

I need to calm down that could be anyone-, i glanced at the clock on the wall, -at 4:30 am? I don't think so!

Knock knock knock knock knock.

My anxiety erupts through the roof as i slowly tiptoe to the door against every fiber of my will telling me no, even if i didn't answer the door apart of me knew somehow whomever that is didn't seem like they would just up and leave anytime soon. Is it one of wilson's friends?

Maby it's just my negative thinking getting the better of me again.

Pressing my hands on the door i stood on my tippy toes slightly, looking through the small peephole i saw the stubble of a mans growing goatee matching a strong jaw, full lips along with the top of his suit jacket; bending down some so to further inspect the man an see his face but the hole only allows as far as his sharp nose.

The man turns around taking a step away along with two other men that were wearing suits that wasn't even in my view.

I close my eye's letting a silent relieved sigh escape my lips.


"Mh!" I squealed. Fück me running!

Slamming my hand over my mouth, silently cursing whatever made that noise to a fiery hell, popping my eye open i looked back through the hole & stared at the man's backside to see he'd stopped dead in his track's, his head tilting to the left but his body remains straightforward.

Turning to face the door once more the other two behind him like soldiers following thier captain's lead, calmly strutting back to the same spot but in my line of view, folding his right arm under his lefts elbow as it's fingers massaged his soft yet rough goatee then abruptly stopping; his lips quirk up the side into a wicked smirk that made my very flesh crawl.

Stockholm Syndrome. [Boy×Man]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora