▶Chapter #16: A Townhouse Dinner | part 2.

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Chapter #16: A Townhouse Dinner | part 2.

A/N: This was longer than intended. I Literally just wrote the entire thing and quickly edited it. Read A/N at end for more details.

"Sethyna, Darling whats the matter?" Mrs. Blumenthal held a custom made pot of whichever german or american delicacies she chose for supper, the american for sethyna of course since she'd thought he'd prefer his own cultures food better than her home cooking, -in her hands as she stopped in mid-step at her sickened faced grandson. "Is it the headaches again? No worries I have painkillers in my purse if so?"

Sethyna decline, not wanting to admit anything was wrong with him 'cause if so surely the woman would delay the time for dinner with all the guests if he were to comply. For seth the pain was no biggie an couldn't be no different from when he'd been beaten when wilson were around. "....M'fine,  thanks though. Just nervous, I guess? Heh" he smiled kindly but she wasn't to convinced.

"Tell you what-- if you still feel iky after dinner then Hankz can check you out."

After she walked out to greet the endless guest seth groan painfully. It wasn't the lingering aftermath of his conccusion making him feel iky an squint continuously or the endless amount of guests that set his anxiety on the rise, no, it was much worse than that.

Four three hour's Sethyna had to sit still an endure the insanely conspicuous animosity eyes of Klause Blumenthal-Adulersflugël, as if Sethyna spattered nothing less than umbrage on the man's name for all the world to know. Of course Mrs. Blu was unaware of it all. And on a small scale Seth couldn't help but become distressed that Klause was showning such dislike of him while his mom was in the same vicinity as them both. It was as if kascha was to consumed by his hatred for the boy at the moment.

To top it off Hankz would be here any second to have an apprehensive dinner with a mob family an their added unwillingly adopted member of the family. Seth rubbed his head and hopped off the stool to get a glass of cold water. Earlier Klause mom had insisted on her grandson only being dressed in the finest of clothes according to the boy's liking, though she showed great sadness to his preferred t-shirt and jeans idea for a casual dinner.

So, a fitted button down shirt and comfy pantsuit had to due, even if Sethyna felt utterly ridiculous in it, he refrain from mentioning it. The less hassle the better. A damp clothed was placed on his head an brought him out of his paranoia like state. "Eh?"

"Thyna, you're breaking out in a cold sweat. Are you alright?" Jackov asked.

About to sit down at a table to have dinner with his psychopathic guardian who not only torments him mentally but, also have a possible date with a man who'd took care of him for months-- adding onto the fact that seth has no choice but to act like a normal family when even the words feel foreign in his head an poor hankz would be surrounded by dangerous men with utensils that could be used as a weapon at any moment. "Yeah, just peachy."

Jackov chuckled, "don't get smart with me, thyna. I'm on your side." He patted his back carefully, with a smile.

The same smile jackov wore when he told Sethyna about Klause not minding them spending time together, an seth was reminded of how that situation took a unsettling turn. "Yeah, like with meeting uncle for the first time?" Sethyna complain with dread.

Jackov scoffed, "oh come on-" he rolled his eye's and held his hands up in surrender. "It was one time an I apologized...."

He gaped at the man's word's. "No ya didn't."

Jackov nodded understandably, "oh, well now you learned not to trust so easily, huh? You're most welcome."

Wanting to crawl in a hole to hide from the Blumenthal brothers seemed unnecessary to think about considering they'd probably just hunt him down. "Ngh." He took a moment to himself. Would the debt be that important to Klause to come after him? Or maybe, just maybe Klause would be sad if something happened to Sethyna? "He would, if it effects his money...."

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