▶ Chapter #28: Our Business. | part 1.

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Chapter #28: Our Business | part 1.

A/N: Ok, I'll make this quick. WilkenDale Academy is a sequel to this book, there will be characters from this book there but not as frequent. Plus Kascha and Seth will have appearances ---hope you check it out, maybe? And a new book is on the way: Gabriella's Lost Slippers. I hope you give'em a try. P.s. Vote and Comment like crazy.

Table number Eleven which is beside Klause and his unknown pretty-boy-toy that I'm ninety-three percent sure is a escort. Prostitute. Is Miranda's usual table. The raggedy table held four people, Mr. Blumenthal whom hadn't bothered making an effort much like his son-- to even consider being mysterious. Mrs. Blu sat across her husband but next to Volney whose vibrant violet purple streak of hair stuck out like a sore thumb amongst his natural dirty-blonde. The two of them were heavily dressed like ridiculous frantic thieves in the night, while Klause and his Father looked like real mobster's. Wonder where Jackov is?

I walk over carefully. The entire Blumenthal family and guards basically occupied this entirety section of Franklin's small diner? Well this dream sure is vivid isn't it?

"Mrs. Blu....You know i recognize you guy's....right?" i sigh, staring blankly at them as Volney mumbles incoherently to his bosses mother before she starts to stutter over her words.

"Sorry. You have the wrong person, Sethyna I'm-" She halted, catching her mistake a second too late. Mr. Blu heaves a bored grunt.

"How do you know my name then?" i question, unimpressed. I had lost my name-tag a few day's ago. But even then i still recognized them, I'm not crazy, this is my dream after all.

"Your name-tag of course-"

"Not wearing one."

"Of course you're dear...." She said, not even believing herself. For her sake i agree just so i don't topple over in secondhand embarrassment or exhaustion.

"Bring me bottle of whiskey." Mr. Blu ushers impatiently. Flipping through his newspaper bordly as if he had more pressing matters to attend but was dragged alongside the rest of his family. Poor man even gets dragged around in my dreams too.

"Sorry we don't serve alcoholic beverages here, Mr. Blu." He rolls his green gaze upwards in displeasure, snapping his finger's quickly for a guard. "Charleston bring me real drink." His words choppy from his accent.

"Gregor Blumenthal. You will not drink alcohol. You will have tea. He will have tea, Sethyna." She corrects.

Nauseously i stride away from the mobster family whom made my life so accustomed to their ways that this dream is actually beginning to be quite hilarious. So i laugh awkwardly to the counter. "Miranda, help me with the coffee and tea, would you plea--?"

leaving no room for me to finish speaking she all but grabs mr by my collar to nearly body slam me into the mens bathroom door as i was pressed against a random sink. "You little scoundrel!" She hisses.

Confused i stare back at her icy glare. "Problem?" i squeak, feeling like i was back in linton high academy being bullied again.

She smirked wickedly, "why didn't you tell me you knew sexy German model's?!" She bellowed. "I could've dated a German model since a year ago and it's all because you don't want me happy. Do you?!" I had no idea she even liked German men? Let alone date one, besides she really doesn't know who Klause and his family are to be so smitten by their presence.

I cooed her temper-tantrum down. "You don't wanna date one of those men, they're all maniacs in suits. Trust me." I grinned at her, "you could do better." in all honesty I'm surprised Miranda is in my dream though? "This is all a dream, i hope i ate before passing out?"

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