▶Chapter #8: Rightful Owner | part 2.

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Chapter #8: Rightful Owner | part 2.

As soon as the two were in the private penthouse suite sethyna took jackov's words to heart, "i'm sorry. I'm really really sorry klause- jackov said that you knew i was supposed to spend quality time with him but when you came in the restaurant you were so pissed and i knew he was lying i didn't know he was gonna send a-a crazy text that i planned to run away with boris- someone i don't even know! We were there to meet uncle because Jackov said it would cause more uncalled for problems if not, so we went. We were suppose to meet him yesterday but something came up-- that's all please don't punish me i'll try to be good! I'll do extra cleaning just please don't...." His breathing was uneven, as he rambled on.

With his back to seth, klause removed his gun, holster and phone. Shrugging off the suit jacket he threw on in a rush. Turning to face the panting boy he massaged his head wondering what to do. While it's true he was drugged then kidnapped by jackov, it really had no real meaning because the boy was so fragile if he'd gotten stung by a bee he'd close up an tremble with fear. So it doesn't take much to control his naive mind, but jackov has plans that were of course involving sethyna, alongside gregor, so a closer eye has to be kept from now on.

"Come. I stand in need of shower," sethyna followed him down a few halls with fidgeting fingers like a crazy petrified maniac. A shower never sounded so terrifying to him. Is he gonna drown me in the tub?.

Klause closed the door behind seth, removing his black tie while cracking his neck trying to relieve the stiffness he felt. Seth cringed at the snapping muscles. Undoing his cufflinks on each side, he stared at the boy heatedy until a pout formed on seth's thin pink lips.

With a roll of his silver eye's he sat the cufflinks next to the tie on the marble white sinks surface, hanging his arms at his side. "Gör?..." at the mention of his rather mean nic-name sethyna lifted his chin waiting for the taller male to continue. "Undress me." Sethyna stared at the man with a blank look in his eye's for a minute, confusion mixed with shock when reality hit him he unconsciously made his way walking towards the man ignoring the logical inner voice telling him to run in the opposite way.

Maybe this was his true intrest. Because lately he felt an unnatural pulling need to please the man whose purpose was to destroy his sanity alongside getting what was owed to him by his use-to-be guardian, wilson. Something he felt he shouldn't have no part in. Whereas he refused to acknowledge the feeling of loneliness for the past 48 hour's or so--of being away from klause, even in the company of jackov, the brothers were completely different yet oddly similar.

"Like off-off with my han-hands?" Thinking maybe his brain was on autopilot, maybe he was hearing things now. "That would be required....unless of course...you are skilled with tongue?" His accent wasn't mistaken in that sentence as it shone through.

Sethyna kept his amber orange eye's anywhere except in contact with the german man who was calmer the one should be, thoughts of klause doing this with other boys plagued his mind taunting him into thinking he was no exception of another if klause is or had been with another before himself. But how could he become jealous when it was something that he couldn't even control. Hell is he even gay? Bisexual maybe?

A finger lifted his chin as his amber eye's burned with silent tears, his breathing like before became a chore as he whimper. This feeling, he hated the most for not being able to control his emotions that he had to cry, it being the only option he knew that would temporarily solve his unbearable emotional state. Deep down he would cry either way since he was a weakling, a word wilson never failed to remind him of day in an day out. It was insane, the man wasn't even here and he was in control over his thinking process.

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