▶ Chapter #14: A Townhouse Drive | part 1

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Chapter #14: A Townhouse Drive | part 1

A/N: Ok, read Author's note at the end for more details.


"....What?" Klause choked.

He could feel the calm state he managed to remain in for over an hour since visiting Sethyna at the hospital hours ago, start to slip through his mines grasp while his mother complaimed away. "Kascha, there is a truck awaiting you in front of your building, come out, now." She said.

Klause being the organized crime leader that he is, knew how to sense an flee a unsafe zone or squeeze out of tight situations; besides dealing with uncalled for circumstances on a daily basis was first nature to people of his lifestyle but quite the opposite oppose to dealing with family, especially refusing his mother's mysterious request was a main one of them, without a shred of doubt though, she was up to something klause would surely-- in silent of course, immediately disapprove of.

Klause groans bordly, there was management affairs he would rather be pursuing, not entertaining his mother with some hidden agenda of her's. Who knew what that crazy-clever woman had swirling in her thoughts. "I beg your pardon mutter(mother), What?"

"Kascha." She finalized.

He sighed at her undertone, she couldn't be convinced to reasoning as of now. Hanging up the office phone, klause stood an pushed in his chair while texting volney to handle the business while klause himself was away. Jackov was out and about, an would only agree to look after klause share of thier conjoined partnership and throne if he got to spend time with Sethyna. Klause wouldn't dare let that happen if possible.

Nala would terrorize Sethyna mentally. Plus, Ben and Nala were already looking into hace; whom seemed to have mysteriously vanished around the time uncle Gregory decided to personally analyze the theories of klause adopting sethyna. And Charles was with klause father Gregor. And X was placed on babysitting sethyna much to the assassin's displeasure, but sethyna needed to be watched carefully an not by some lacky.

Ten seconds of striding down the corridor to the elevator Klause received a reply from Volney rather quickly.

Volney: B-but today is my vay-k day, you said I could have it off. Remeber?!

K: Get your äss here now, tinker bell.

Volney: I don't wannaaaaaaa!

K: volney. I will personally see to it that you are skinned alive if you decide to act childishly, get your fücking flaming hot cheeto haired ass here, now.


Klause rolled his eyes at the sad and grumpy emoji that popped up after his last text.

True to her word the black audi 6 sat silently glistening in the warm rays from the sun as the back passenger window rolled down revealing sethyna, Klause face dropped to meet his bold stoic stare as they made eye contact the passenger window rolled down as sethyna's window rolled up and Klause was met with X's silent hatred for his boss, flowing off in waves.

Klause grinned, taking in account that X would never forgive him for being placed with babysitting duty. A duty klause would most likely keep x on despite x rank and status in the organization.

He leans against the passenger door, noting the violent ugre burning in X's eye's to kill the man he so solely swore to protect. It was a common sight at least. But klause couldn't help but tease his first in command and best friend. "How's it going buddy? Having fun?" His german accent peeking the noticeably amused tone.

"I..could kill you at any moment an dispose of your body within an hour tops, you know that...right?" X said. Silently seething the man aside him to a horrible demise by his own hands, to whipe that damned grin off Klause face. Then realization hit, X made eye contact with the Seth in the rivview mirror an joy filled his next words, "Oh, boss by the way--what do you prefer the child to wear on this special occasion."

Klause gazed back at sethyna who's head was apparently buried in his hands. Mrs. Blue was to busy on her phone to even notice her son had been standing by the trucks door. "Pardon? What occasion?"

X sucked his teeth, keeping the mild crazed glint in his eyes. "Nothing too extravagant, just you know, Sethyna's first date tonight..."

"....With whom?"

"His doctor, Mr. Hankz." X smiled at the way Klause face shifted.

Yanking open the back door, klause bored daggers into Sethyna and gritted his teeth. "Move over."


A/N: I'm so excited for Klause to meet Hankz, cuz I know they gonna bump head's. d<[^_^]>b
Mentions of Hace and Gregor(The uncle) will more than likely be in the next chapter. Hace was one of klause middle rank subordinates who betrayed him and worked with former guardian of sethyna-- Wilson herch to screw klause over. Klause did get half his money back that they stole, but, hace still has papers that are of great IMPORTANCE to klause.

XoXo. Chibi-Shota-Queen ♡◇

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