▶Chapter #5: Straddle me.

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Chapter #5: Straddle me.





Low humming was what awoke sethyna from a dreamless sleep and humming? Regardless of all that a splitting headache is what accompanied him also, sethyna's eyelids were extremely heavy to a point he wasn't even able to lift them centimeters before becoming terrified at the thought of being blind whiched caused the boy to start feeling around the cushioned seat he was laid on in a state of panic. What happened? I was at the mansion-klaus was furiously yelling, uh, so much yelling.

The memory was fuzzy and glitches pop up everywhere while trying to remember what felt so wrong about this situation. A terrible smell was blocking nearly all senses, finally realizing an eye mask was placed a top his eyelids he removed the fabric wincing numerous times at the burning sensation behind caramel orbs as the sun shone, lifting his arm up blocking the blinding light away. Turning in the direction of the humming I'd try moving off the bed.

"Not such good idea." A lazy voice filled with sleep grumble out next to me- think- maybe it's klause coming to wake me up for breakfast because i might've overslept, i spoke back my voice hoarse and dry. "Why not?" I whisper back leaning on my hands and trying to adjust my eyesight correctly but it still hurts. Trying to stand was complicated to say the least, my legs felt like i was carrying deadweight--Sighing i plop back on the bed but closer to the edge. Arms picked me up pulling me onto a solid chest firmly. The sound of the bedroom door opening, a few quick german words were exchanged inbetween everything was in slurs an chopped up. I should've borrowed the german to english dictionary at the schools library when the opportunity was presented to me, but the thought of overhearing something i wasn't supposed too or klause finding out i overheard something i wasn't supposed too- i'm not sure which scares me most.

About two minutes later the bright sun was gone and the lights were dim. The cologne klaus is wearing smells really different from the one i smelled early on; this one is more spicy without the hint of tropical at all. He rubbed his hands through my curly mess i call hair, lazily keeping me enclosed with a gripping lock as if i'm a new favorite teddy bear.

Why is he in my room laying down next to me? He could've just yelled like he's been doing in english or german, sometimes both. That was funny but telling him that would be a crime. The mans temper was astonishing switchable at any given moment.

Maybe he lost it, and finally came to his senses an wanted to apologize for all the crap he's put me through in these few weeks alone- yeah, right. "K-klaus, may i ask you something?" I was trying to be quite knowing he doesn't like talking in the early morning unless it's important. He hummed a yes my head laid on his warm chest as he played with my hair my eyes still closed. "Erm~ how come your in my bed?" He paused in movement, slowly his palms traced my neck then shoulders finally gripping my upper biceps with a good hold. There was a small scent of food coming in behind me made my stomach growl lowly but audible.

I leaned up straddlingon his lower half. Rubbing my eyes with both fists a low chuckling was heard as he cleared his throat. "You're even adorable when you wake up- not to mention those delicious lips pout when your sleeping. The way you pout is too cute. I really can just eat you up." I stiffen. Opening my eyelids forcibly became a workout as i tried to make a reasonable explanation for being in this position with j... heck either one of the brothers would need an explanation basically.

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