▶Chapter #17: A Townhouse Choas | Part 3.

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Chapter #17: A Townhouse Chaos | part 3.

A/N: Starting off an hour or two after X locked Sethyna in the bedroom from last chapter. Oh, and enjoy.

Knocking quickly before entering, jackov huffed loudly out of breath and stares silently at his father and brother in Gregor's office. "I'll leave you two to talk. These walls are soundproof." Gregor said, escorting himself out an striding down the familiar passageway to the outdoors where the sun was starting to set.

Jackov knew for a fact that their father had told Klause the details of the CD because of sudden period of time they'd been chatting, unfortunately he wasn't able to get to them sooner due to annoying family out in the living room crowding yis way to stairs that leaded straight to the second floor. But he was here now, yet admittedly too late.

Now it was only a matter of how his bruder(brother) would react at this point? No matter how strong jackov became, klause felt obligated to protect him.

Carefully Jackov departed from his stance by the closed door, "Klause..." in a few cautious steps he stood beside his brother who held the CD that used to intrude on his many seepless night's. Klauses' tapping of the disc only further assisted jackov's edgy nerves.

Above the few pet peeves Klause had, one was Liars; the absolute prohibit of them all when it came to family. Not considering the simple fact that Klause himself was a walking taboo to every law firm and police station in a thirty mile radius with his reputation. Ironically. Liars, Which was common on the daily of course obviously because jackov held no doubt in his mind that klause told him many lies over the course of many years which he'd say it was for jackov's protection, yet if the shoe were on the other foot; like now, Klause would wreck his havoc-- yes, but beyond that was any man's guess.

His face was stiff, almost statue-like if it weren't for grey eye's searching for a solution to his lost cause. "How long?"

A repugnant twisting in jackov's gut told him to run, denie everything and run.

Of all the year's he'd been taught and tortured by uncle and Boris to exceed past whatever fear that tried capturing his very being, actually paid off in some ways than jackov cared to admit. With a minor exception of this being Jackov's utmost feared truth he'd rathered to stay hidden in the confines of his mine or sleepless night terrors. Never through any of the bullshït himself and Klause experience willed him enough to run, they stuck together and forced pass whatever barrier that barricaded them.

So why did it all feel so hopeless now?

Pulling gently at the hair that gripped his scalp, jackov sighed, figuring it'd be better if he didn't dodge Klause questions. In the end it'd probably make matters worse. "...year's, obviously beating me wasn't all boris did. Hah...." shrugging off the suit jacket, he laid it on Gregors desk knowing the man loathed when jackov would do that.

"Listen, Klause, I don't know why dad told you. Honestly it's over; boris is no longer a threat to me. I'm fine with that, no need to start a war with uncle." Jackov caringly squeezed Klause shoulder to emphasize he wished for klause to come to an understanding no matter the chances being zero to none. "Besides uncle is highly respected, right?"

"What of it?" Klause grumbled, finally setting the useless disc down next to the coat. "Why would I care about his respect that he so damn well hasn't earned?" Klause turned on his heels facing the door a few feet away. Debating thoughts in his head and putting them in order, he would need to call ben and nala soon if he wanted to proceed the plan forming in his head.

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