▶ Chapter #23: Daddy's little göre.

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Chapter #23: Daddy's little göre

A/N: Read A/N at end for more details. Enjoy. This will begin exactly where it left off in chapter #22. Contains errors I'm sure, mind you i am half asleep now. 😥😑Ok

"Come with me." X ordered, voice shredding any hope of survival the chestnut brown haired teen felt he could be graced with. "Now."

Yanking his jacket up and stubbing his toe on the coffee table in the process of scrambling across his own feet, halting before Jonney-- Hankz had preferred for seth to use first name basis since he was no longer a patient of his. "Thank you, Mr. Hank---Jonney. I had a fun time." He whispered kindly, reaching up for an awkward hug that leaded to a kiss from Jonney on the lips, again.

"We'll do it again sometime soon, I'm hopeful." He chuckles, a almost undetectable blush painted his cheeks. "If i didn't scare you away that is?"

X stood motionless, killer intent in dark brown eyes as the two parted with Seth nodding to a third date.

In the car and down the road, X pulled into a empty parking lot, light's off; his fingers gripping the wheel Forcefully. "Did you two have sex?" Still monotone, x recieved no answer as he could feel Sethyna's paranoia like a strong stench in the air.

If X wouldn't have threatened to end Seth the last time they spoke as normally as possible, than Sethyna would've assumed the assassin was simply bord. But he knew better. Feeling parched and weakness cocoon him from the dry wine he consumed multiple times earlier tonight.

X pulled out the glove-compartment, his leather gloves seemed skin tight while a sleek black pistol was eye'd by Sethyna's previelvision. "Did you whore yourself to him?" The gun was pointed to a vein in his neck x's thumb flipped the safety off. He was serious. Was all Seth thought about in the face of meeting his second maker, klause being the first.

"N-no! I didn't."

"Then what was that kiss about?" X gritted back, pressing head of the gun into his neck further blocking his airway. "You remembered my warning haven't you? Or was my demonstration lacking brutality?" X wondered aloud.

"-what-- it was nothing special it was j-just a goodbye kiss or something?! I don't know. --but i remember your warning, i haven't done anythi-"

"--i'll just make you the demonstration then it'll be more effective. Don't worry i will avoid any major arteries." Pointing the gun towards Sethyna's closest foot and aiming.

Panic set in, tears began to riddle down the brim of his eyes. "I told you X i didn't, why won't you believe me? I promised to be good and obey klause and i have!" He begged heaving and pressed against the passengers seat, body immobile, afraid if he so much as flinch the gun will go off. "I've been obedient like a good pet, so please don't. I won't talk to Jonney anymore. J-just please..."

"That's enough X," Klause stated. Voice coming from the speaker's. "Bring him to me."

"Ja. Klause." the blue light beeping beside the radio stopped as X cut the line. Still facing the boy, "i have half mind to kill you, i could really use another kill right about now."

Curled up into a ball an huddled to the door for dear life, Sethyna covered his whimpers with clammy hands. Avoiding the eerie feeling of loosing his life for real this time. If Klause decided anything i said was false than X would've killed me. Could i really love a man like that? However out in reality the car started again and x drove off calmly.

"Klause thought you had run away, had the entire security unit searched the house top to bottom. Until his mother were on the phone bragging about your date." X did a u-turn in order to circle back around the way he came since klause was now sitting in his office on the private yatch working late. "He's not happy you agreed to go out with some man you know nothing about, who could be posed as potential threat to himself....to you."

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