▶ Chapter #15: Jackov, Desolate.

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Chapter #15: Jackov, Desolate.

A/N: Jackie is nic-name for Jackov. Like how Kascha is for Klause. Just a reminder. THANK YOU ALL!!!°▪° I ♥ the comments an appreciate them dearly. Love ya! ♡

"Come in." Gregor's rasp voice was low but clear enough to be heard on the outside of his second homes office door. "Have a seat." Gregor formally addressed his son with determination clear in his tired green eyes that seemed to come alive only in the company of family. Gregor dips his head so his chin rested among wrinkling hands that carried the blood and sweat from many year's of hard work.

Jackov sat tensely in the eyes of his father, the man whom tried his best to look after his youngest an most sensitive, son. "Is there something wrong, dad?" In all honesty Jackov was more baffled than worried, Gregor never outright called Jackov before, unless Klause was present too, so Jackov in-a-way had a right to be suspicious of his father's sudden request of his lonesome presence.

"Yes, I wish for an honest answer. All joking manners aside, Jackov. Okay?" His eyesight didn't waver in the slightest leading jackov to think of all the hidden motives that could be behind Gregor's weird actions, upon thinking of that Jackov loosened his collar, feeling to some degree asphyxiation.

Jackov felt as if he were back in high school when he'd been unknowingly caught as he hijacked linton-high-academy principles car in order to drive to said principles house and become very intimate with linton's daughter. On top of that Klause was having a good time with linton's son-in-law from his third marrige in the room next door to jackov an the daughter. Klause and Jackov both got a stern warning from Gregor to never pull that stunt again, luckily their mother never knew because Gregor smoothed thing's over with Mr. Linton who was afraid of Gregor, an still is.

But that didn't stop linton from quietly disliking the idea of more mafia kids into his private academy. Luckily Sethyna got into the academy with little to no problems.

Abrupt snapping brought him back to the present, "-Are you listening, son" Gregor exclaimed, gazing at his son heatedly.

"Mhm." Jackov mumbled.

Though the uncomfortable silence told the elder boss otherwise an a huff of irritant nerves was clear on his face.

Jackov could tell a didactic lecture was on his horizon at the moment, surprisingly enough Gregor smiled cheekily at his son who was still a child no less. "Come on, you're gonna set my retirement plan in motion early if you cannot be serious here, jackie."

A glass of strong whiskey on the rocks was in jackov's hand before he could refuse. Gregor pour himself a generous fill in his own glass. "I thought mom was keeping you alcohol free?" Jackov smirked at his old man's narrowed eye's, "she won't be happy about your little secret."

Gregor motions his pointer finger back and forth between them two. "Our little secret, m'kay?"

A sadistic smile tilted jackov's lips against his will, deviouse eyes held intentions his father knew all to well. "I'm guessing Klause secret too?" He clarified, sipping his whiskey. Obviously this isn't the first time Gregor snuck a drink or two. One would kid themselves thinking so, though, Gregor Blumenthal was a smart man an even smarter profiler. You believed what he tells you, end of story.

"You are not to old to whip, jackov. I may look old but I am young in spirrit and heart. An stop moving me off topic. Let's be serious here." In a second he became humor-less and that pokerface was back on full display.

"I paid a visit to your uncle Gregory earlier. Him and boris were away apparently. So I decided to wait with Charleston, in their suite." He paused and ran a hand through his greying hairs, before addressing his son carefully. "Jackov, Charleston and I were wondering around and found this..." a CD landed on the desk, as his father cleared his throat. It's white cover labeled in bold black letter, Jackov picked up the case with a locked jaw, he remembered when this was made.

"D-did you.."

"No, however, I have a pretty good idea of what lys on that CD that it was so expertly hidden in a safe. An your facial expression now tells many tales." A grim look shadowed over Gregor's face as he bore his eyes into Jackov and could only imagine how long his son had felt desolate, or burdened, especially how carrying the weight of this pain for year's effected jackov and if Klause was informed.


In a matter of speaking Gregor felt empty to have discovered something about his child that no parent wished to have happened, at that it'd taken place year's ago. Slipped beyond his own knowledgeable senses. "One can not simply omit such a thing. The existence of that CD was like a bomb to my chest, Jackov. Why would you hide...this! I'd think it'd be--"

"Nothing but a useless item, now."

"You are my son, jackie. Anything involving you or Kascha is marked vital and of great urgency to me at need to know basis."

A plea was evident in Jackov's voice. "It was one time, father. No more than it seems." He'd downed the rest of his drink in a flash, rubbing his temples.

Leaning in close to hold his son's neck with the heavy weight of a father's affection, jackov gulped audibly at Gregors following sentence. "Does your words hold any deception in them, my son?"


Gregor sighed. "I see, thank you for your honesty." He dismissed jackov with a heavy heart and called Charleston immediately.

"Yes, Mr. Blumenthal?" The line was silent for awhile except the rugged breathing of his boss amd friend, "What would you like me to do, Gregor?"

"Bring me Gregory and Boris." Gregor seethed mildly. On the other end of the phone Charleston smiled knowingly because his boss inner ruthlessness was at play. It been a long time since he'd heard that tone in Gregor's voice, too long.

Outside Gregors office door, jackov rolled his eyes. He knew his father wouldn't let this, that jackov considered insignificance, go. Jackov also knew that boris would never be found for he was long gone and his organs harvested & sold more or less do to Klause overprotective nature. Walking down the corridor jackov smiled genuinely, reminiscing the words of a enraged eighteen year old Klause; "I'll put a bullet through the son-of-a-bitch!". Klause never failed short of his promises, his bloodied an dark soul was proof of that.

Finding Gregory would have to suffice for his father's baring anger. For what they'd done to Jackov, was unforgivable. And Jackov knew that once Gregor informed Klause on the details of the CD Jackov refused to advise his brother of year's ago, Klause would be in rage mode an have a bone to pick with Jackov an to anyone else who ticked the psychopath off along the way. Family who hurts their own on this level of crude ways was a big deal in the Blumenthal's eyes, the only acceptable salvation was spilled blood.


A/N: UWAUAH!!! MY POE BABY JACKOV-JACKIE. Now yall should know me well enough-Let me stop. Lol. But yall should at least have the slightest idea that I'm sorta-kinda a sadist. Therefore Kascha is gonna go ham baloney amd cheese on someone. *sing-song voice* Prepare yourselves my innocent ones.

XoXo. Chibi-Shota-Queen♡◇

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