◆ Chapter #30: Our Business | Part 2.

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Chapter #30: Our Business. | Part 2.

Lay down your arms I don't wanna fight anymore, rough seas will be calm. We fall down like dogs playing dead but our loves not worth playing chicken, baby. --Sia.

Catastrophic was the usual ending result of Pearls decision to play cupids little helper, and is what would become of this main event because Klause couldn't recall willingly agreeing to such matter's. It had gotten worse once Pearl prodded his pride about grown men keeping thier promises to a mother, promises he had no intention to of made but as of now it was beyond too late.

Thus Klause staring with such perplexity toward this almost hostile situation it practically made his head spin. So many frills, so many fucking frills.

It been year's since Klause could remember being this nervous about everything and nothing in so simultaneously, that he keenly scanned the hallway for any sight of a talkative familiar face; because If Gregor were roaming about or got word that the expression on his eldest sons face was comically terrified, Klause might go as far as to die from lethal embarrassment. Especially because it should be humorous how those frillies were the main fault regarding to his, as said by Valdemar boy-toy at the moment. Klause was utterly speechless once he found out Nala, Pearl, Volney and Jackov --The deadly duo seemed to have added another pair to their schemes-- were going to be dressing Sethyna up for themain event, Pearl & Gregor's wedding anniversary.

The German went bonkers, storming past a sea of guest not to mention the caterer's bustling about to serve fresh appetizers. Only to end up standing on his toes because at every turn someone wanted to speak with him. Now, finally in front of his desired location inside the two storey manors hallway. Not even ten feet ahead of Klause stood Sethyna. In a dress, usually identified as a bridesmaid dress. Klause tried swallowing. Why was the dress so freaking frilly at the end? And why --oh why is it so tight and taught around Sethyna's ass?

Their eyes met briefly as Sethyna dabbed blood off his tongue with a cotton ball, trying his dearest to avoid a gaze melting down his backside that left him feeling quite bare in the eyes of the German but Seth needed to put such thinking away in his mind because by tomorrow he would be out of here like Mrs. Blu promised.

Each crack from his neck made Sethyna squirm and Klause smirk in delight, he hadn't gotten the chance to harm the young teen because apparently Pearl gave strict order's to two of Klause strongest men to tackle him, literally, in the beginning of the process, to klause it was a shame. To Sethyna it was a blessing in disguise.

Otherwise Sethyna would probably need stitches if X and Ben came a second too late. Or worse.

In the mirror before him, Sethyna felt his ex-lover prying into his features again yet instead of malice glazing over in Klause eye's, it was a different stare, somehow, more keenly eyeballing the delicatessens that was Sethyna. A stare more ruggedly blunt. Klause cleared his throat and the noise sent a shockwave around Sethyna only for it to ultimately land on his lower region, caressing his groin without mercy.

Had he become that perverted since last time he was passionately taken by Kacha? Yes, considering klause devoured the younger males body and corrupted his very self to nothing but gravel that Klause could step on any time he desired too. Yes, Sethyna did want the elder sadist. He loved him, but he wasn't about to be tricked down that road again. There was no use in kissing the ground Klause walked on if one truly new the outcome of it all, suffering was all that would be left in store if he had given into submission for his aching heart. There would be no end.

A/N: I'm contemplating on changing the name of SS to "Young-Lovers Romace" but when I say it aloud it sounds utterly ridiculous. The reason why I want too is because this book & WilkenDale Academy both have very Young Dominates even if Klause is older, though fell in love with Sethyna at 18 and Vadik-Petrov at 5.


XoXo. Chibi-Shota-Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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