If you don't rest, you won't heal

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A/N: Thanks for sending in the numbers! This one is 21: "If you don't rest, you won't heal."

Let me know what you think xx

PS: It's so good to be back!!

"I'm home!", you shout as you close the door behind you. It's weirdly quiet. You live with Tom and his brothers and usually someone is always there when you get home. Unless they are gone filming of course but that's not the case right now. Tom's had a really big injury and had to get surgery a couple weeks back. He's been back home in London ever since and you, even though you feel horrible for him and hope he gets better as soon as possible, can't really complain. You love having him around all the time. Although lately he's been getting a little impatient which made him a bit annoying sometimes. You couldn't blame him, he's a very active person and he had to stay in bed and take it easy. You can't even imagine being in his position.

"Anyone in?", you shout again as you walk into the kitchen. No one there. Did you forget about one of Tom's rehab classes? Not possible, they are usually taking place throughout the day. You had been working all day so it's now past 6pm.

Because no one's around you decide to go upstairs and change into some comfy clothes and start to cook some dinner. As you reach the top of the stairs you suddenly hear some grunting noises. Guess you're not alone after all.

Wondering what's the person you hear doing you walk to where the noise is coming from. It's yours and Toms bedroom. You carefully open the door.

The sight in front of you is a surprise.

Tom's lying on your light blue yoga mat and doing sit ups. His face is pale and he's sweating. As soon as Tom sees you he stops in his tracks.

"What the hell?", you exclaim.

Toms eyes shoot down.

You immediately rush to his side. "What are you doing?" You gently put your hand on Toms back. He squirms under your touch.

"Tom? What do you think you're doing?"

He finally looks up at you. He looks devasted.

"I'm sick of lying in bed. I'm sick of wasting my days away."

You sigh and fully sit down in front of him. Sweat is dripping from his forehead. You take his hands in yours and squeeze them.

"I get that. I can't imagine how tough this situation must be. Especially for you."

His brown eyes are filled with sadness. It physically hurts you to see him like this. But it hurts you even more to see him risk his health. 

"Tom, if you don't rest, you won't heal."

"I know." His voice is quiet whilst he answers.

"But you have to act upon it. I don't want to have to see you lay in a hospital ever again. And this", you hold his hand up which is shaking like crazy, trying to show him what he's doing to himself. "This isn't helping. This will just set you weeks back."

In order to stop his hand from shaking he grabs your hand this time. You softly stroke your fingers across his palm. Your heart is pounding. "Please promise me you'll take the time to heal."

Finally, he nods. "I promise. I do."

"Good", you say and lean in to peck his lips. "We can think of calm activities that we can do together so you're not as bored and you get to move around a bit. And we can buy some new books. You still like it when I read to you right?"

For the first time tonight, a smile makes its way onto his lips. "I love it when you read it to me."

You can't help but smile back. Now your heartbeat's quickened for a different reason. You've been together for quite some time but he still manages to set the butterflies in your stomach free.

"Sorry I made you worry."

"Just remember to take care of yourself from now on."

He nods and looks like a lost puppy, with his sweaty hair and the guilty look on his face. You stand up and reach your hand out for him to take. "Let's get you in the shower then."  

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