Christmas special #8: Christmas tree farm

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A/N: Enjoy xx

"I'm so bloody excited", you turn your head to look at Tom with a huge grin on your face. You're in the passenger seat of his car whilst he's driving to the Christmas tree farm he'd told you about. What's Christmas without a tree right?

"I know there's plenty of places to buy Christmas trees in the city but I used to go to this farm with my family as a kid and I always loved it there."

You can't help it, you can almost feel you're your eyes sparkling. Tom told you a lot about the farm and it all sounded magical.

"About twenty more minutes and we'll be there", he announces.

You clap your hands together.

Toms phone is connected to the car and playing a Spotify Christmas playlist. Every now and then you sing a long to a song that you especially enjoy. Usually you wouldn't do that with other people around but with Tom you feel different. Safe somehow. He's the most unjudgmental person you've ever met.

When you arrive you get out of the car and walk a small forest track. When the trees thin out you gasp. What's in front of you looks like you've just stepped into a Christmas movie.

The farmhouse is white, the pathway that leads up to it is lined with Chirstmas trees that're all lit up. Above the door hangs a huge Christmas reef and hanging from the roof are fairy lights.

"So inside the farm you pay for the Christmas trees but you can also buy food, hot chocolates or mulled wine. And when you walk out on the other side you get to the Christmas trees", Tom explains.

You walk up the pathway and once you're close enough to the building you can hear Christmas music.

"This is awesome."

You walk inside where people are gathered around, chatting and consuming food and drinks. Everything is decorated beautifully in reds, greens and golds. A middle aged woman greets you and Tom assures her you know your way around. He leads you outside the backdoor of the building where a huge Christmas tree field extends in front of you.

"You ready to pick a tree?", Tom asks and you nod excited. You walk through the lanes when suddenly you realize something.

"Wait, do we cut them ourselves?"

Tom laughs. "Not exactly. You see the numbers that are hanging from the tree tops?"
You only notice them now.

"We pick a tree, go back to the farm and tell them which one we want."

This day is just getting better and better.

You walk a round for a while, each pointing at a tree every now and then, walking around it, imagining it in your living room.

"Are you getting a tree too?", you eventually ask Tom. He shakes his head no.
"I've never had a Christmas tree ever since I've moved out."
You look at him in disbelieve. "You're kidding right?"

He shakes his head no.

"Well then, you've gotta get one now! This is unacceptable", you insist, still a little bit in shock.

"Alright alright, I'll get one", Tom puts his hands up in defeat. "What about this one then", he nods at a tree.

"nope, see those bold patches at the bottom. That's not so nice."

Tom chuckles. You have to admit, you're very picky with your Christmas tree. But a decision like this gotta be very well thought through.

After about an hour you've both picked a tree and told the staff your numbers.

"You ready for a hot chocolate now?", Tom asks and you nod. You really need something to warm you up.

"I feel like after Christmas all I'll consist of is pretty much gonna be hot cocoa. And cookies", you chuckle and Tom laughs. The sound immediately makes your heart warm and your cheeks flush a little pinkish. You just really hope Tom doesn't notice you've developed some kind of feelings for him. You enjoy his company so much and you really don't wanna scare him away. Plus, you've still got so much fun stuff planned until Christmas. 

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