⊰⊹ฺ↝is he already come here!.... ✧◝

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Jungkook is now standing beside taehyung. His were looking so jealousy. As he is looking at y/n and Vijay. They are being too close and touchy infront of him. Jungkook pinched taehyung's hand.

Tae: ahh!! Yah! What are you doing.

He looks at taehyung and said in a speed of light.

Jk: sry....

Jungkook again looked back at them and saw them again talking and laughing with eachother. Taehyung looked at jungkook and saw him looking at there. He shaked his head and said.

Tae: I think she is trying to make you jealous.

Jungkook looked at him, with raised eyebrows.

Jk: what!

Taehyung chuckled and said.

Tae: don't you noticed she is taking glance at you while talking to him. That means she is making you jealous.
Jk: so!
Tae: so! You make her jealousy too
Jk: how!
Tae: with Teena.
Jk: what! No! That's not gonna happen
Tae: why! Is that a crime
Jk: but!
Tae: no! But go and make her jealousy too. If you want her love you again.
Jk: okey.

[A/n pov]

Jungkook looked all around searching for Teena. Then he spotted her talking with some relatives. He went to her immediately and grabbed her hand. While she looked at him shockingly.

Teena: jungkook what are you doing.
Jk: come here. I want tell something to you.
Teena: what!
Jk: come here.

Jungkook dragged her into a room. And that room is filled with some marriage stuff. Teena looked at jungkook confused.

Teena: what happened jungkook.
Jk: Teena I want you to help with something.
Teena: what is it.

Then jungkook tell her all the things

Teena: okey! I will help you.
Jk: really.
Teena: mhm, set.
Jk: okey.

With that they two make a plan and leave from there.

[Meanwhile in y/n's side]

Y/n: how are anyways.
Vijay: am fine!
Y/n: and.....

She said stopped and looked at jungkook's direction. But Vijay noticed it he grabbed y/n's cheeks and make her look at him.

Vijay: is he is jungkook.

Y/n looked at him, shocked.

Y/n: how did you know about this.
Vijay: Shreya already tell me.
Y/n: oh,

Vijay think a min. And a idea popped in his mind.

Vijay: hey! Y/n how about we two make jungkook jealous.
Y/n: what?
Vijay: yes! We could make it. To make him regret what he have done.
Y/n: no! In last time this all will be a mess
Vijay: no! Trust me. We can make him jealous.
Y/n: oh, okey.

Then they two started to act like a couple.

[Meanwhile on the other side]

Shreya is now walking to a room. Suddenly someone pulled her into a room. She opened her eyes and saw jungkook, taehyung and Teena. She looked at them with angry eyes.

Shreya: what do you all want rn.
Jungkook: noona, we need to tell you a very serious thing.
Shreya: I don't want to hear anything. Am going.
Teena: chechi please! Hear us out.

Shreya sighed and said.

Shreya: say!

Jungkook sighed and tell all the messed things. While Shreya stand there with mouth hang open.

A INDIAN LOVE STORY|| JK(On Editing)Where stories live. Discover now