⊰⊹ฺ↝The Wedding Day.....◜✧

492 29 3

Jan 16
Charlie: Hey, are you all ready??

He asked while knocking into the door.......

Divya: can you please come inside?
Charlie: what happened?

He said while opening the door, and saw y/n crying while hugging divya.....

Charlie: Oh Oh

He said while walking towards y/n and cupped her face between his hands.....

Charlie: what happened kunju?
Y/n: Papa... I don't wanna leave away from you....
Charlie: Aha, you were the one who comforted me when i say about this.. now i need to comfort you

He wiped your tears away, and wrapped his hands around your shoulder and said

Charlie: You know baby....You are going to be his wife, his better half so you need to live with him... Am sure, after some days you will be happier living with him. He will take care of you maybe better than we did..... And you know, you mom were also like this, But her sadness ended after some days. Am sure you will be happier there

Y/n smiled and looked at him

Y/n: love you papa..
Charlie: love you too, now be a good girl and wipe your tears and come quickly okey!
Y/n: okey!

Charlie kissed your forehead and went to outside while closing the door. You take a deep breath and looked at your reflection on the mirror. Meanwhile~ charlie leaned on the wall and wiped away his tears.,........
Your brother opened the door as you went inside, and sit on the front. While your mom, sister, sister-in-law sit on the backseat...

Syam: Are you all ready?
All of them except y/n: yes
Syam: Y/n........
Y/n: Yes chetta?
Syam: Are you ready little monkey?

You glared at him and smiled

Y/n: yes, big monkey...

And then the car started and moved towards the temple..... Where your and his wedding will be held
~On The Other Side~
Tae: Jungkook-ah.....
Jk: Huh?
Tae: Are you nervous this time?
Jimin: He is exited for the night.....
Jk: Can i please kick him out?
Tae: Yah! Jimin-ah shut up...... Tell me jungkook-ah, are you nervous?
Jk: Not at all...
Tae: Good........ Wait--- Which place is this?
Jk: How did you drive this miles?
Tae: google map....
Jimin: OMG! Are we in outside of Kerala?
Jk: Wait let me call syam.............

He take out his phone and dial syam's number... After some rings he picked up, but a female voice was the one heard

Sneha: Haloo....
Jk: Haloo, sneha noona....
Sneha: Hah, Jungkook.... What happened?
Jk: Noona, can you tell me where is the temple?
Sneha: Where are you now?
Jk: We don't know....
Sneha: Wait, i will send you the location
Jk: Okey.....

She cutted the call,

Jk: Why google map this time?

Taehyung looked at him with side eye, and don't spoke anything...... Then *Ting* a sound came... Jungkook looked at his phone and saw the location of the temple... Then he saw there car were behind the temple

Jk: Oh! We are behind the temple
Tae: Don't i tell you google map is good!!
Jimin: Hah! Behind of the temple................
Tae: Whatever, we reached here!

He said in a sarcastic way.....

Jk: Everyone shut up!---
Jimin: We are just two----
You went out the car and saw jungkook's car parked there..... Then You saw him coming out of the car with that Kerala traditional dress!!! For a moment you stared at him without blinking

A INDIAN LOVE STORY|| JK(On Editing)Where stories live. Discover now