@author_ggukie01 first anniversary 🥳🥳

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~Haloo! My sweet babies.

~so today is also a special day for me. Because today is the day when author_ggukie01 acc was born.

~its been one year and a month since I come here. At first I thought I won't be that good at writing stories. Also ik my stories isn't that good. But your support and love made me come till here~

~this one year and a month. I've got so many friends, good friends everyone ~

It's a bad edit ik.

~but, you are all my strength. When you all vote or comment it made a smile on my face~

~without even trying you all make me smile~

~i love my heart so much, and my heart is you all~

~so babies, I hope you will be with me in the long journey~

~have a nice day~

~take care~


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