𝟐𝟏| 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒓𝒆𝒅

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'𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎'


[first person pov]

I gave up on my potions grade. I'd give birth to quintuplets before having graham as a tutor, he's a complete ass.

I don't know where this hot weather came from but holy hell please make it go away. I can't even going outside without sweating my dick off. It doesn't help that the heat is making everyone grumpy. Hermione has yelled at Ron three times already for breathing loudly and we just got to breakfast.

Last week harry caught a cold in the 80 degree weather, only merlin knows how. And then he had the audacity to try to give it to me all because I said his dad was hotter.

"I hate you Harry Potter I hope you rot in hell."

[third person pov]


The Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw match was soon, harry has been exhausted ever since wood bumped up the practices to five days a week leaving harry only one day to do all of his homework. The other day  was his and woods one on one practice to make sure harry was keeping up with the snitch. Harry resorted to trying to talk wood down from 5 hour privates to two so he could keep up with school. That ended up with wood saying he wasn't committed enough and maybe he should just find someone would put in the work and put in the hours to "take what was ours" which was the quidditch cup.

The small group of four had each doing a silent task they enjoyed, studying, eating, sleeping, or polishing their broom. Bet you can guess who was doing what. Sirius had sent harry a fireboat he won at an auction which led to Oliver wood passing out from the sight of such a fast broom. After harry was done making it shinier then Snape's hair, Ron offered to take the broom up because he had to give his rat its tonic.

A loud scream echoed through the tower, waking up y/n in the process. Ron ran down the stairs a white sheet in hand. "SCABBERS! MY RAT!" Ron showed the small dark red blood stain on the cloth and glared daggers at Hermione. "Do you know what I found next to it Hermione?" Ron spat, his left hand behind his back. "No," said Hermione feebly. Ron showed a clump of ginger cat fur in the palm of his hand.

"You're cat killed my Scabbers!" Ron exclaimed blaming the teary eyed Hermione.  She looked to harry for support but he didn't know what to say. "Of course you side with Ron you always do! It's always my fault isn't it!" she grabbed her pile of parchment and whisked away upstairs. Y/n shoved past Ron with her shoulder, "give her a break would you?" she said, Ron just shook his head. She looked over to harry but he his head was hung low, she scoffed and went after Hermione, so much for a good night.

It looked like the end of the friendship between Ron and Hermione, they were so enraged with each other harry and y/n couldn't see how they'd make up. Ron was angry Hermione never took crookshanks attempts to eat scabbers seriously, Hermione said Ron has had a prejudice against shank since it landed on Rons head in the magical creatures shop. She also insisted that no one knew how long those ginger hairs were there and that you can't make base facts around a conclusion but only a conclusion around facts and that the fact is that the cat hair could have been from anytime and scabbers is only missing.

Ron was feeling really down about the loss of his rat and in a last ditch attempt harry offered for Ron to come to todays quidditch practice and have a ride on his fireboat after. That seemed to help perk Ron up.

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