Getting Ready For Date Night

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It has been at least five minutes since the sexiest man I've ever seen left. I am still standing here stunned and wondering if I imagined it all. Even his name is sexy, Ryder. Hell yeah, I want to ride Ryder. I shake my head to clear my own cheesy thoughts. The first thing I do is save on a thumb drive, then delete tonight's action. No one else needs to see that. I get started on updating and changing things out so that I have better models for these old things. The club owns this place and we want to protect our investments. This place is legitimate and brings us in good money.

I spent the whole time I am working, the drive home, and when I went to sleep with a smile on my face. I wake up and the memories of last night come flooding back to me. I start smiling again. I know I shouldn't get attached to someone here for business. may be gone again soon but there is something about him. There is chemistry, I like how he knows what he wants and goes after it. I love an assertive guy. I also love the confidence he oozed. There is something sexy about a confident man that is still humble enough to blush.

I still have a smile on my face when I head to breakfast. After I grab my plate, I start to head back to my room but Ivy waves me over. "Why don't you take a break from the bat cave, Bruce Wayne? You can join me and the boys, Wolf is already at work. I would enjoy the adult conversation." she says. "I can do that. Thanks for the invite. How are Aiden and Caiden?" I ask still smiling. "They are good. The question is how are you? I know something is up with you. You have had that smile glued to your face since you returned last night." Ivy states curiously. "I am good. Really good. I met someone last night and we talked. He wants to spend more time with me. Wants to get to know me better." I say blushing. "Are you sure talking is all you did? That blush tells a different story." she teases. I blush more. "Don't worry, I am just teasing. I want to meet him, have to make sure he is good enough for my family. When you're ready. Have you figured out how to tell the club? The ones who don't know. I will help you and kick asses if need be. I love ya, Tech. You are an amazing man and deserve happiness too." she tells me as she holds my hand. I know she means she'll kick asses too. That's the kind of woman she is. That's why I love her. "If we make it to the meet the family part, you'll be the first to meet him, I promise. I will tell the club before then. I will just have to figure out when is the right time and the right way. Let's see how our first date goes, first." I say and give her hand a squeeze. "Sounds great. The first date, I am so excited for you. Do you need help getting ready? Picking an outfit? If so, I am your lady." she states proudly. "I am kind of nervous. Maybe, help me make sure I don't look like a dork. I want to impress him but I don't want to be fake." I inform her. "I am your lady. Hon, you're a great guy and you'll impress the hell out of him," she says matter-of-factly. "We are going to the 1914 House at 7. I will see you around 6 for help, sound good?" I ask as I stand. "I'll be there. Try to clean the bat cave some so I can sit." Ivy replies laughing. I laugh but know she's right. I'll grab one of the sweetbutts to help.

At exactly 6 there was a knock on my door. "Come in, Ivy," I yell through the door. "Hey, Tech. Looks great in here. Lola still does a good job. Now let's see what we have to work with. You go shower and I will have your outfit ready." she says waving me off.

I quickly shower, trim my beard, and brush my teeth. I walk out with my towel wrapped around my waist. "Damn. I didn't know you were hiding that under your clothes. Whoever the guy is he is lucky. He gets the whole package with you, brains and a body." Ivy says making me blush. "Here's your clothes for tonight. I got your blue button-up shirt, it will bring out your eyes. You can roll up the sleeves to look less dressy and show off the artwork. These are the nicest jeans I could find of yours. We'll put some mousse in your hair to make your curly waves pop but not make your hair stiff. If you want him to, he'll be able to run his fingers through your hair. Are you riding your bike or taking your truck? Who is the lucky guy anyways?" she asks. "I am taking my truck. I haven't told him I am in an MC yet. Guys aren't like women, they don't find an MC sexy. The few that do, are only thrill seekers. They think I will tell them MC secrets and tales of shootouts. Most though hear I am in an MC and run. They fear the dangers they think it will bring into their lives. They will say I want marriage, to know my spouse is coming home, and kids someday. I want Ryder to get to know me and some about my family before he judges." I tell her. "I like the name, Ryder. He is a lucky guy to have you, make sure he knows it. I understand where you are coming from with the not wanting to tell him right now. I support your choice. Just remember, you'll have to tell him some time... I hope he takes it well when you do. Don't lie to him if he asks. No one likes to be lied to. I can tell you're nervous and you don't need to be. You're a catch, Tech. Love you, get dressed and get ready to wow your man." she says then kisses my cheek. I take some deep breaths and get dressed. "Okay, now sit so I can do your hair" Ivy commands. I sit and she puts mousse on her hands and works it through my hair as she tousles it around. I have to admit it looks great and isn't stiff when she is done. "You'll be fine, just breathe, be yourself, and have fun. Just not too much fun." she teases me and winks. "Tell me about it later or in the morning," Ivy demands as she kisses my cheek and leaves. I take a few more calming breaths and head off to meet Ryder.

TECH'S FOREVER- SONS OF SILENCE MC (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now