Planning Ahead

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     After getting off the phone with Tech, I page Bear and Ironhorse into my office. Within minutes they start to arrive. I motion for Bear to close the door since he is the last to arrive. Once everyone is seated, I fill them in on the conversation I had with Tech.

      “That is complete and utter bullshit, Prez.” Ironhorse states. “How do they think they will get away with it? We have cameras everywhere. We can add more if needed and we can place micro cams on them, to catch them in the act. They won’t be able to make anything stick. Ryder seems like a great guy, guess he tipped off Tech and us.” Wolf adds his input. I nod at his assessment, “Ryder did give us a heads up. He is working with a friend who is in the FBI’s version of international affairs, to take out the trash. I want all of you to come up with ideas on how to handle this.  We will talk about them tomorrow at church. Ryder and Tech can tell us how feasible they are then. Trust me, brothers, we will come out of this together and be stronger. Khaos, send out a text for tomorrow at ten.” I reply.

     After we leave my office, all of us sit at the table to eat. Grams brings us some sandwiches and beer as we are bouncing around ideas. “What’s going on?” she asks after overhearing some of the ideas. We aren’t like some of the other clubs out there and keeping our women completely in the dark, we do keep some things from them but not all of it. So we explain the situation to her. “Well I don’t know what all you boys have decided but I have an idea to throw in there too. If you can get enough notice or a roundabout idea of when it is going to go down, make sure all the women are gone. Including the club bunnies. Send us on a spa trip or spa day, all expenses are paid. Otherwise, they will grab us up too. Need us out so we can contact lawyers and such.” she states as she stands and leaves. “You know she is right. I know you all don’t want to be away from your women for long periods, but would you rather they end up in cuffs with us? No matter what we do, we will be cuffed and taken in. We might also want to move our security area into an area they won’t find or off-site. Better than them trying to destroy it. I am headed to bed. I will think more about it.” Ironhorse says and nods as he leaves. I laugh, “He doesn’t say much but when he does, it is smart and worth listening to. I am going to head up to my bed and my ol’ lady. I know we will figure this out. We are a family and families stick together.” I state and wave my goodbyes. I know I will talk to Sheila about it too. She’ll help me see everything from another angle. I definitely won the lottery when I found my woman.

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