Chapter 24- A very Merry KDA Christmas

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(A/n: An early gift from me to all of you. No thanks needed. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you receive all that you hoped and wished for over the Holidays. I hope to see you all lovely people in the New Year. Stay awesome and stay safe you amazing people as always. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter.)

 *Jingle Bells*

*Jingle Bells*

*Jingle Bells*

You reach for your phone and hit the snooze button. It was 9 am but luckily you didn't need to go to work. It was Christmas eve. You slumped out of bed and into the kitchen. You put on your Keurig and make yourself a cup of coffee. Thankfully the heat was on so it was not too cold in the apartment. You turn on the TV and let the news play. You grab your cup of coffee and sit on the couch. After you're done you put the mug in the sink and take a shower. You get out and put on some nice clothes for today. You check your phone for messages.

Evelynn: "You better not be late."

You quickly text back to not piss off Eve.

You: "I'll be over as soon as I can."

Evelynn: "You better, I want to see my boyfriend~. Also everyone else is already here including your family."

You blushed a little at the word boyfriend. You still couldn't believe that you were dating four of the world's most beautiful and famous pop stars.

You enter Seraphine's old room which you turned into your office space. You made sure the presents were wrapped and that they were all ready. You hurried them off your car and then made sure you were ready for today. You grabbed a bottle of wine and locked your apartment.

You: "Okay, Holidays with KDA. We got this right?"

You drive over to the KDA mansion and are let in through the gate. You park in the driveway of the garage and walk over to the door. You take the bottle of wine and all the gifts with you. You knock on the door and you are greeted by Lydia with a Santa hat on.

You: "Merry Christmas Lydia."

Lydia: "Merry Christmas (Y/n). Come on in."

You step inside with Lydia and you see everyone chatting and laughing while a yule is burning on the TV and Christmas music is playing throughout the mansion. The door closes and everyone's attention is turned to you.

You: "Uh... Merry Christmas!"

Everyone just smiles and the girls make their way to you.

Ina: "Papa! Merry Chimas!"

Deanna: "It's Christmas Ina! Papa look! I made a snowflake!"

Mai: "Papa! Let's bake Christmas cookies!"

Leah: "Papa! It's my birthday! Do you have a present for me?"

You: "Merry Christmas girls. And yes I do Leah."

You hand Lydia the bottle of wine. You then walk with the girls to the Christmas tree in the living room and place the gifts down. You then take one of the gifts and give it to Leah.

You: "Happy birthday Leah."

She opens it and she finds a new jacket for the cold. It was in her favorite colors.

Leah: "Thank you papa!"

She hugs you and you hug her back.

You: "You're welcome Leah sweetie. You still have a Christmas present from me"

Leah: "You're the best papa!"

You see Ina trying to take a peek at her gift but you pick her up and tickle her.

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