Chapter 51

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The Cupcake Girl

Chapter 51:

-Jennie's POV-

My heart dropped, feeling as if it was clamped into my mouth right now.

A dry sob had left my mouth as I shakily dropped my phone to the ground.

Harry looked at me also as confused, as I cried. Nothing but crying right now.. H-he was gone..

Harry was talking to me, but everything was silent. My body grew numb.

I cried into my hands, shaking my head as Harry picked up my phone pressing it to his ear.

I couldn't bare to see the scene right now as I closed my eyes tight, my tears streaming down my face, nonstop.

Harry lifted my chin up, trying to speak to me, his face also not readable as tears grew in his eyes.

He just picked me up in his arms bridal style, like I was some rag doll. Just as said, I couldn't even move in the shocking news I had just gotten..

I hiccuped, clenching Harry's shirt tightly as I sobbed into his chest loudly. I could feel him running as fast as he could back to our house, back to where my mom had could've gotten the news too.

Pretty soon, I felt myself inside the house, but still in Harry's arms. I was still crying, nothing changing with that.

"G-get her into the.. C-car." I hear mom also crying.

Pretty soon I was put into a car, still Harry's presence not leaving mine. I felt the car drift off in a speedy manner, as I cried.

"I'm so sorry." Harry whispered, holding me tightly to him. I didn't need comfort right now..

I wanted my.. My daddy.


My sobs were constantly leaving my mouth as I see my father's corpse being covered by the sheets.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry." Doctor says solemnly.

"You.. You just let him die.. You were s-supposed to do e-everything you could!" I shouted, about to literally just hit the doctor as Harry pulled me back.

I gave up, my body weakening completely as I stared at the dead body under the sheets.

I wish this was just some nightmare.. I wish dad was still here.. I wish about so many things. But why does it seem that none of the right things ever happen to me?

Mom could barely speak, as she cried quite roughly.

"I-I'll leave you all alone." The doctor concludes, scribbling down something on paper. Probably my father's death note.

My breath hitched in my throat as I scaredly wrapped my arms around Harry's waist, tightening my grip.

Harry reassuringly wrapped an arm around my shoulders, whispering some comforting things into my ear. But.. It somehow didn't work this time around.

My mom brushed a hand over the dead body, her hand shaking vigorously. "I love you, sweetheart." She whispers sorrowfully, turning away. She could no longer take this..

Mom ran out, as I could still hear her sobs from here.

I closed my eyes, leaning my head on Harry's chest as a quiet sob left my mouth.

"Why did he leave?" I tried my best to speak, as Harry looked down at me, his face also filling with that familiar sadness.

"I don't know, Jennie. But you're dad really did care for you."

º The Cupcake Girl º - Harry Styles • ∞IN EDITTING∞Where stories live. Discover now