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Watcher 1: Are you sure that it was him who sent the orb?

Watcher 2: "Of course.... who else would it be? Nobody else but him can access Hermitcraft.

Watcher 1: I know that... but I never felt his Aura when we watched it all unfold. I couldn't feel his presence. I'm telling you... he was never there.

Watcher 2: Stop it, you're being irrational. If it wasn't him, then who was it?

Watcher 1: I don't know. But if something strange is happening here, we can't just ignore it. We have to worry about the unknown

Watcher 2: but we are the unknown

Watcher 1: even the unknown can never truly know the unknown

Watcher 2: uh... what? Why are we talking about this?

Watcher 1: see, even the reason for this conversation is unknown.

Watcher 2: can you please just stop, you're confusing me.

Watcher 1: ok yeah. but you still should listen to me.

Watcher 2: why would I listen to you? what have you ever predicted? what have you ever gotten right?

Watcher 1: a lot more than you realize.

Watcher 2: can you stop being so vague? I thought we only confused the players, not each other.

Watcher 1: can you stop trying to get off topic. This is serious. I think that there could be some other force out there... something bigger than even we.

Watcher 2: That's impossible! We are The Watchers! Nothing can be more powerful than us!

Watcher 1: What about Xelqua?

Watcher 2: ...

Watcher 1: That's what I thought.

Watcher 2: wait No no no no, that's different! 

Watcher 1: how?

Watcher 2: Well... um... he... he....

Watcher 1: Isn't this whole reason we're doing this. to bring him back to us? make sure that he can never escape us again?

Watcher 2: Well... yes, but... We were the ones who gave him those powers. He was just clever enough to use them against us...

Watcher 1: Exactly. and who's to say that somebody else can't do the same?

Watcher 2: Ok then... but that still doesn't really back up what you where originally saying, about something else delivering the orb.

Watcher 1: But does it?

Watcher 2: ....and of course! that's how you always respond to anything you don't want to answer. With another question! I'm sick of this.

Watcher 1: I just want you to think harder about this. This is a serious matter, and your just trying to go against every word I say, despite me just trying to tell you the truth. I want to try and discuss this without you just denying it over and over.

Watcher 2: ...

Watcher 1: so, shall I continue?

Watcher 2: ok, wait. maybe I do believe you. I was getting sorta strange vibes as well the day that he delivered the orb.

Watcher 1: see. 

Watcher 2: yes, I do see. I see everything.

Watcher 1: as do I

Watcher 2: But so... If it wasn't him, then how do we figure this out...? where do we even begin??

Watcher 1: I don't know.

Words Count: 517

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