Chapter #6: The Orb is gone

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Grian's surroundings were dark and he was lying on the cold ground near one of the buildings in the shopping district. He stared up at Mumbo. his head was fuzzy and his thoughts were a mess. He didn't know what had happened, but from the scared look on Mumbo's face, he assumed that it wasn't good.

"...Mumbo...?" He asked, hoping to get an explanation, or at least some sort of response, but Mumbo just stood there, clearly unsure of what to say.

Grian tried to stand up, but his legs felt like wobbly jello, and he fell down before he could even get all the way up.

"you need a little help there?"

"yeah" He breathed.

Mumbo held out his hand to help Grian up, and soon the winged Hermit was on his feet again. But he was still really confused.

"Mumbo, why are we here?" he asked, glancing around at the dark corner of the shopping district.

"well um..." 

It took Mumbo a few moments, but eventually he started to pour out every single detail, and Grian listened in shock and silence, trying to digest all the information. 

When Mumbo finally stopped talking there was a long pause as Grian took in the description of what had happened. 

It was almost hard to believe. He had been in a corrupted form? With horns and a tail?

...He had tried to hurt Mumbo?

He didn't know how to feel. Guilty? Scared? He was just so confused. The last thing he remembered was feeling really tired suddenly at his base... and then everything just went dark. and then... there was the orb.

Icy cold panic shot through Grian as he thought about that orb. Where had it gone?! What if someone else found it! he stopped suddenly, eyes wide and the tips of his wings outstretched towards the sky. Mumbo noticed and instantly turned to face him. 

"Grian, are you ok?"

Grian was silent for a moment before he snapped back to reality. "y-yeah. I'm fine. I just... forgot something in my base."


Not another word was spoken as Grian opened his wings and took flight into the silent night sky. He glanced behind him to see the figure of Mumbo getting smaller and smaller. He needed to get back to his base quickly. He had to make sure that nobody found the orb. He flew into his base frantically, forgetting how to fly for a moment and nearly smacking into a wall. He glanced around the base, trying to find the orb. But it was nowhere.

A few minutes went by, but he couldn't find it. no matter how hard he looked. He checked his bed, and his shulker boxes, near his still unlit Nether portal, but it was nowhere.

Panic began to sink in.

someone must've come here and found it.

they must've taken it.

It was gone.

Unsure what to do, Grian took off into the air. His wings flapped frantically as he did a large turn around the circular room within a matter of seconds. He was so panicked that He forgot how to fly properly. He was going really fast, and everything was spinning by. he had no idea which way was up and which way was down. He sorta flailed around in the air for a moment before regaining his balance.

but it was too late.

pain exploded in his head when he hit the wall. The world became a spinning blur as he tumbled downwards, little feather fluffs from his wings flying at his face. Another sharp pain flared through him when he collided with the ground, sending a thudding noise echoing against the cold white concrete of his base. For a few moments, he was dizzy and confused as he looked up at the high ceiling of his base that seemed to spin. He began to regain his senses, and slowly sat up.

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