Chapter #10: The fate of Evo

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Mumbo sat in his base, staring at the screen of his communicator.

<GoodTimesWithScar> ᔑነフ⚍╎ŀ〒リ⎓フነ↸╎7⎓ŀ╎∴〒リꖎᔑ....〒ŀꖎ¡! ᒲŀ...

<Bdouble0100> What's going on?!?!?

<ZombieCleo> Scar?

<cubfan135> he's... gone...

<Xisumavoid> what?!

<cubfan135> HES GONE!!!

As Mumbo looked at the conversation, his eyes went wide with alarm. What was happening? Scar was... gone? gone where? First Grian had suddenly disappeared, and now this? He wanted to type something, but he wasn't sure what to type. Clearly all the other hermits were panicking as well. Nobody knew what to do. What were those symbols?? What did this mean?

Mumbo, still silent with fear and confusion, opened up the private messaging tab on his communicator. He wanted to message Scar.. as if that would do anything... but it wouldn't hurt to try? He tried to start typing a text to him, but he just kept going back and deleting it till he was just left staring at the empty white text box. This wouldn't work, what was he thinking?

Mumbo was just about to put his communicator away and try to take in what had just happened, when another message appeared in his private chat.

<Grian> Mumbo... could you come over to my base?... there's something important I want to tell you..

Mumbo blinked a few times. Was he seeing things? H-He thought that Grian was gone... he had even checked his base a few times. How was he back suddenly? did this have to do with Scar? putting on a coat and picking up stack of rockets and his elytra, he took off into the skies. He felt a mix of sadness and fear for Scar and pure relief that Grian was back. He needed to get to his base quick. He had so many questions for him. 

He glanced down at the water surrounding the island his base was on. a thick layer of ice spread across the ocean, starting  at the land and begin to break away around a mile or so out. It was quite pretty actually...

Mumbo flew down into Grian's base. He found the short builder standing in the doorway, his face blank and expressionless. When he saw Mumbo approach, he looked up, and watched as the moustached redstoner landed in the doorway right next to him.

"Grian w-"

"come inside." Grian signaled for him to come in, and took flight, drifting down through the large cylinder shape of his base. Mumbo followed behind with his elytra. Was it just him, or did the place seem bigger than the last time he had been there? 

"Grian... what's going on? I thought you were gone.. and and now something happened to Scar and..."

"Yes, I know."

There was a small gap of silence.

"Where have you been?"

Grian hesitated for a second before answering. "The World border."

"... What? The World border???" Mumbo said, confused, "What were you doing there?"

"It's... a really long story... oh gosh, where do I even begin..."

"It's ok, take your time."

"Alright. But first, I'll get us some tea. We're gonna be here awhile..."

Mumbo could see from the winged hermit's body language that he was nervous and trying to hide it.

Grian came back with the the tea. His hands were shaking slightly, and he nearly spilled some on the floor. "Alright. I guess I should start now..."

And after a small moment of hesitation, he began talking.

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