Chapter #8: The border

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It was the night after the meeting at the center of the shopping district. Grian was in his base, shoving several of his things in a shulker box, and putting on a thick coat to keep him warm in the winter air outside. This was it. He needed to run away. The feeling that just being on this server was putting everyone in danger was becoming far too strong for him to handle. especially after the meeting earlier. Now everyone was suspicious that there could be Watchers on the server. But nobody knew how. Not even X. Not even Grian himself, who is a Watcher.

But if the Watchers were on the server, then they were most likely looking for him. And not to mention that one night when something that had taken over his body and tried to kill Mumbo. What if the thing controlling him had been a Watcher? What if the Watchers wanted to destroy Hermitcraft as a whole, not just get Grian back.  

But why? Haven't they caused enough destruction? 

Painful images of Evo flashed through his mind, but he pushed them away. There was no time to think about that. Grian was going to wait till tomorrow to leave, but the meeting was enough to convince him to get out as soon as possible. He didn't want to endanger his fellow Hermits. and so, with one last goodbye to the parrots in the aviary at his base, He spread out his wings, and took off into the sky, away from his base. He looked back one last time at the white cake-looking structure, with it's three concrete pillars shooting up to the sky. It was still unfinished, yet he was undeniably proud of it. It was a shame to leave it behind...

He tried not to think about it as he soared into the bluish black night sky. It was strangely calm yet disturbing how much the night sky resembled the dark sky of the void. Grian had spent countless days and nights staring out the Window of his room back at the Void fortress when he was a Watcher... He had wanted so desperately to fly away into that sky and be free. 

And when he escaped the first time, he had thought that he was free. It had all been a lie. And now he had escaped for the second time. He still didn't feel free. How long would he be stuck In the glaring gaze of the Watchers? For how long would they hunt him down? All these thoughts raged through his mind as he flew. Eventually though, his thoughts calmed down, and instead it was just graceful flying through the night sky. Grian felt oddly at peace in the cold night air. It then began snowing. He was glad that he had put on a coat before he left. It was so calm and quite on that cold winter's night.


Three days.

It had taken three days to get here.

Grian stared at the glowing blue wall in front of him. It towered up towards the sky, seeming to never end. The world border. He was so exhausted. The last three days, he had hardely taken any breaks. He had been so determined to make it to the Border. But now he was here, and he was so exhausted he could barely stay awake. He quickly used some the resources he had brought to whip up a small makeshift house. It wasn't very good compared to most of his builds, but he was too tired to care. He walked in and placed his bed, quickly falling down onto it and pulling the sheets over him. It took only less than a few minutes before he was fast asleep.

The next day, he would break through the border, and into another world.


The day had arrived, and Grian stood outside on the snow layer that had formed overnight, looking up at the grand world border.

Somehow, he would need to make it across. He had no idea what could be on the other side. Until a player stepped into the other world, all the word border would display on the other side was a thick grey mist. How was Grian meant to make it through?

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