Chapter#9: Zenyo

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Zenyo was at a loss for words as he walked out the door, leaving Cam behind him. He felt bad when he heard them let out a another small sob, and felt the sadness and anxiety in their aura, but he didn't want to stay around them long enough for them to see how he really felt about all this.

He really didn't want Cam- or anyone for that matter- to discover his true feelings about the Watchers. He remembered the day he had joined them. It hadn't been that long ago. He had been so angry at them. So angry. They were the creatures that had destroyed The server he had once called home. Ripped it apart before his very eyes, tearing everything away, plunging it all into a deep chaos. Players had turned against each other... so much trust had been broken. So much blood had been shed when it could've been avoided. It had started out subtle at first. They would send down messages, in the ways that the Watchers often would, but instead of being hints or clues to help them seek out the next version, It just seemed to be accusing players.... They made everyone think that everyone else was out to get them. 

And from there, things had only gotten worse...

so much worse...

Nobody could've ever predicted the death that was yet to happen...

Zenyo had been one of the only few who survived in the end. And he still had scars- both physical and mental ones- reminding him of what had happened.

The Watchers were the ones who had killed so many of the people he had loved. And even worse, when Grian had tried to rebel against them and help everybody, the Watchers had just turned the blame towards him, manipulating everyone into thinking he had caused all of this. Even Zenyo himself had fallen for this lie. It was only much later that he had found out the truth... Perhaps if someone had just listened to Grian, the events all could've been stopped... No. One person alone couldn't've prevented what had happened. It was impossible. The Watchers would've won one way or another.

When the Watchers had first grabbed him from the server, Zenyo had protested, and tried to get away from them. And he had had every right to do so. What else was he supposed to do to the creatures who had destroyed everything he had ever known and loved? What made them think that he would just willingly join them? But then it hit him. There was nowhere else for him to go... the server he had once known was pretty much destroyed. He was stuck there. And so he had given in and played along with it. He had felt so shameful and defeated. and now here he was. They had given him a new name, a new role, a new home. They hadn't even let him wear his old blue T-shirt and headphones. They had taken everything away from him.

He had at least hoped to see Grian here somewhere... but maybe he was already gone from the Watchers. And maybe that was partially Zenyo's fault. The Watchers had tricked him into betraying his friend, but now he knew that he had just been trying to help... Zen felt so guilty. Whatever they did with Grian, he could only imagine how  awful it may have been. Perhaps they even killed him... No, Zen didn't want to think about that. He didn't think that he could take it. 

Grian was still alive, and out there somewhere. He had to be, right?


Zen didn't know, but he pushed all these thoughts out of his mind. Training. Right. He kept walking down the hallway towards the practice room. He inwardly winced as he saw Cyuen walking the opposite way towards him. He knew where Cyuen was going... to see Cam and give them their punishment... nope nope nope. Zen didn't want to think about that. It would only make him feel more guilty. His only focus had to be on training.

He forced himself to keep a straight face as Cyuen walked by, not even letting the corners of his mouth twitch. Even though he had never seen Cyuen's eyes under the Watcher mask, he imagined them to be a cold sharp blue, with a kind of fierceness  that could send chills up anyone's spine. That would definitely match his icy harsh personality.

Cyuen passed by, and Zenyo continued on his way to the training room. When he got there, there were a few other Watchers, all of them apprentices like him. Despite him being over 18, he had to train as apprentice for around 1 and a half years, since he had been taken from a server instead of born as a Watcher. It was for that same reason that he had to share a room with a 15 year old. Cam was a good roommate... but still.

One of the other Watchers in the room was fairly tall apprentice with long blonde hair. She seemed to be practicing some basic defensive spells. She was most likely around 13-14, which is when apprentices would begin their training. She stopped her spell and looked up at Zenyo when he walked into the room.

"Hey, um, sir, today is apprentice training day. Only apprentices around allowed in here."

"I am an apprentice."

"What no? You look too old to be an apprentice!" a boy with light brown hair piped in. He looked to be about Cam's age.

"Hah! He probably failed his training and has to do it again." Another one giggled.

"of course not, stupid. It's just that he's not a real Watcher like us." The blonde haired girl added.

"Oh... that's explains it. He doesn't have pure Watcher blood, does he? He's just a normal player." The boy said.

"Hey, I'm not just a player. The was gifted Watcher magic when I first got here."

"Whatever you say." The blonde girl said in a mocking tone.

a few of the other kids chuckled and continued to mock him.

Zenyo didn't let their mean comments bother him. He was used to this by now. Instead, he just brushed it off, and sat down at the far end of the room, placed his spell book on the table, and brang out his Watcher staff. Not a lot of spells required the staff, but he always made sure to take it with him anyway, just in case. Taking a deep breath, he looked down at the book, which was written in Galactic. He squinted, struggling to remember what all the symbols meant. What was he doing? Why was he here, sitting all alone in the corner of the training room, ignoring his problems?

Why was he just sitting here when Cam had to face their punishment alone? what was he doing? What was he thinking? 

In a flash of seconds, he slammed the cover of the spell book closed. It was so loud that a few heads turned towards him, but he didn't care. Why had he just stormed off like that? Had he even considered What Cam had been feeling??? Why had he abandoned them?

He grabbed the book and his staff, and rushed out the door, running through the hallway at full speed. He had to get there before Cyuen did... he needed to get at least a second to just apologize... Zen turned the corner to see another Watcher passing by, who he nearly ran into, but quickly moved out of the way. They looked a little startled though. "Sorry!" Zen called back, but didn't take another glance at them. He needed to focus. 

Finally, he came to a stop in front of to him and Cam's room, and flung open the door. His heart sank when he looked around only to see the room empty. Cam's sheets and pillows were scattered across the floor, as if they had been dragged out of their bed. Zen was too late.

Cam was already gone.

End of Chapter Notes:

I'm sorry this chapter was so short. Most of it was just to explain more stuff about the Watchers, and also to give more hints about who Zenyo is, and the server he was from. If you've watched Evo, or even just heard of it, it's probably very VERY obvious who Zen is at this point. If the blue T-shirt and headphones wasn't enough of a hint for you, then I don't know what is.

Word Count: 1343

Enderlight (Hermitcraft Watcher fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora