Chapter 2: Just Because

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Chapter 2: Just Because

Arthur was lying on his bed, eyes half closed, starring at the flag above his head. He turned onto his side, wincing, and felt the bandages on his stomach.

He had struggled to get home, and didn’t stop to rest because he wanted to reach his house as soon as possible. By the time he had reached the house, he was wheezing, gasping, and holding back shrill yelps of pain as he walked.

Ashling had nearly fainted, Carson somehow had gotten it into his head that it was his fault. Arthur’s other brother Oliver had been the only one calm enough to patch him up.

Now he was just lying on his bed, trying to sleep. He hugged one of the ridiculous number of pillows he had stacked at the head of his bed, and sighed as he buried his face in it.

For some reason, when he shut his eyes, he saw Alfred. He wasn’t sure why, but he didn’t particularly mind. He was annoying and loud, that much was painfully clear, but there was something about him. Something familiar almost, and it calmed Arthur.

He let out a calm sigh as he slipped into unconsciousness. As he slept he drifted into a strange dream, and suddenly strange music echoed around him. He looked around and noticed he was on a grass covered hill. Unseen wind drifted by, ruffling Arthur’s hair and slithering through the grass, sending it on a frenzy of dancing.

It was beautiful. The sun was golden against the pale blue sky, with cream colored clouds swirled within it.

Not only was the scenery lovely, but the music playing in Arthur’s ears sent unimaginable nostalgia through him. It was so familiar! So sad. He never wanted the music to stop.

Then he heard a voice, soft at first, then getting louder.

“Arthur! Where are you!?”

The voice was familiar, as was the song, but Arthur didn’t want to get up and search for it. He wanted to sit where he was, basking in the golden sun, and letting the lovely music calm him. He could sit there forever.

He closed his eyes, but as he did, the sky darkened, and the clouds turned grey. A clap of thunder sent terror rushing through Arthur, and lighting split the dark sky. Screams echoed in Arthur’s ears, and crying, yelling, shrill cries of pain. More thunder, more rain. The sound of screeching tires. Pain.


Arthur’s eyes shot open as he gasped, and his eyes landed on his oldest brother, whose green eyes were wide and filled with concern.

“A-Alistor,” Arthur choked out the name, then burst out into tears.

Alistor pulled him to a sitting position and hugged him, “Nightmare?”

Arthur nodded as he shivered. The pain in his ribs didn’t make it much better either.

After a while, Arthur calmed down, and Alistor pulled him away. He pulled out a cloth and wiped away Arthur’s tears.

“’S awrite, it was just a nightmare,” he said soothingly.

Arthur nodded slowly.

“’S that what that weird message was about?” Alistor motioned to the bandages.

“Some guy beat me up,” Arthur managed to say, “I’m fine though,”

“What guy?”

“Um,” Arthur thought a bit, “I think his name’s Sadiq,”

Alistor tipped his head curiously but said nothing, “What was the dream ‘bout?”

Arthur furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t know……I can’t remember much,”

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