Chapter 20: I Knew You

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Chapter 20: I Knew You

Like Alfred had promised, Arthur was still clutched tightly in his arms when he woke up. A throbbing, striking pain was slamming in his head, so he reluctantly pulled away, cursing as he reached for the medicine bottle on his bedside dresser. He swallowed the pill dry and sighed, looking down at Alfred, who was still fast asleep.

His eyes flew to the stack of VHS' next to his dresser, and the headache seemed to grow. He held his forehead and pinched his eyes closed as he tried to think back to that day once more. He knew he remembered, but summoning the thoughts was painful, so he closed his eyes and laid back down beside Alfred, grabbing his hand and entwining their fingers together.

Silence followed for an hour, until Alfred started to stir. Arthur opened his eyes slowly when he felt a hand on his face, and saw Alfred smiling softly down at him.

"Morning. How do you feel?"

"I had a headache when I woke up earlier, but it's better now," Arthur said, sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

"Do you remember if something happened to cause your headaches?" Alfred asked, sliding a thumb over Arthur's cheek.

After a moment, Arthur nodded, "Yea........I remember........I remember everything," he looked up at Alfred, "Listen, Al, I.......I found something in the in my dream. Old home videos,"

"Your mom?" Alfred asked.

Arthur nodded and looked away, grabbing his arm and squeezing it, biting his lip, "A-and yours,"

Alfred was watching Arthur in confusion, but a sudden light flashed in is eyes.

"My mom's in Canada right now, how could she-,"

"Not your mom now. You're birth mother," Arthur said, standing up and walking over to the TV. He turned it on and picked up the first video, "Y-you might not remember right now but...........we've known each other much longer than eaither of us thought,"

Alfred watched silently as Arthur pushed the video in, then sat back on the edge of the bed. Alfred slid forward and sat beside him, putting an arm around him.

The video flashed. Arthur's mother, Kailas speaking. Allen, and Cher. Alfred flinched when Cher showed up.

Arthur looked up at him in concern. His blue eyes were wide in confusion and shock.

"That can't be possible," he said, shaking his head, "How would........d-did my dad and Cher really.......,"

Arthur put the last video in and sat back down, "This one is where I realized who Cher was. Her and you.............what happened to my father, and your,"

Alfred's eyes widened more and more with each passing minute of the home video. Arhur took the camera, Alfred sat in Allen's lap. Arthur ran off and stopped when he saw Cher. The affair. Kailas.

When the video ended Alfred was silent, staring at the scratchy black and white on the screen. He pulled his arm away from Arthur and looked at him.

"Is this real?"

Arthur nodded, "We knew each other back then," he looked at the screen, "Somehow. And there's something else," he stood up and turned the TV off, "'s probably gonna be unbelievable......I won't blame you if you don't believe me. I wouldn't either," he looked nervously at Alfred, "I have no proof of this. Only my memory, and the headaches I've been having. I think...........Cher's still alive, Al. She left when my father told her to, because of that man," he looked at the screen and balled his hands into fists, then stared wide eyed at Alfred, "That man killed my father, Al, and your mom.........," he pinched his eyes closed, "I think your mother killed mine,"

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