What's Next B???

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Greetings my adoring fans!!! I know each and every one of you have been awaiting this moment! WHAT STORY IS NEXT?! Well, I've been working on quite a few :D, and I love them all so much, I decided to let the readers decide which one they want to read first. Here I will be posting a few paragraphs of each fanfiction, along with a brief summary of the story plot. Please read each and thin carefully on which you'd like to see here first.



 I walked back to the school whistling, my hands stuffed in my pockets. A lot of strangers stopped to gape at me as I walked past. I just smiled and waved to them.

When I got to the school I heard a gasp.


"Shit," I hissed, and turned to see Feli rush towards me from where he had been sitting with Ludwig, Kiku, and Gilbert.

"What happened?!" Feli touched a long scrape I had on the side of my face.

I ducked my head back before he could inspect further, "Oh you know, I was running down some stone stairs.........with spikes..........and sand paper,"

Feli gasped, "They have stairs like that?!"

"Oh yea, they're everywhere," I looked up, "Gotta be careful of those sand-paper-stone-spike-stairs,"

"Are you lying to me?"

I blinked and looked down at Feli, who was biting his lip.

I hesitated, "I got in a fight,"

"I knew it! Fratello, you said you'd be careful!"

"They started it," I rubbed the back of my head, "Okay, I started it, but they were asking for it," I dropped my arm, "Fine, I was asking for it,"

"You should let me wrap your injuries!" Feli reached out and grabbed my arm, making me wince.

"I'm fine, I can do it," I said, pulling my arm away and patting his head, "See you,"


I walked away before he could say anything else.

Eventually I started whistling again.

When I got to my room I locked the door and stripped off my jacket and shirt, then wandered into the bathroom where I started a shower so I could clean the blood off everywhere.

When I was done I had bandages around my knuckles and on my face, over my nose, on the side of my mouth. Even wrapped around my right hand where one of the guys tried to stab me. He'd gotten my hand and side, which I was taping a pad over when I heard a knock.

I'd wrapped gauze around both of my arms, hiding the cuts and a long scrape on my right arm, so I just walked up to the door and opened it without grabbing a shirt.

It was Antonio. Should've guessed.

He had a huge grin on his face and a bag in one hand, but when he saw me the smile faded and he dropped the bag, grabbing me.

"Dios mio! What happened to you?!"

I winced and squirmed out of his grasp, "Got in a fight. No big deal,"

I turned and walked back into the bathroom to finish bandaging my injuries.

Antonio appeared in the doorway a second later, "Bella said you got in fights,"

I flinched at the mention of Isabella.


"She didn't think you'd get in fights here," Antonio looked sad.

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