Chapter 12: Awkward Situations

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"Um, brother, are you asleep?" Matthew knocked on Alfred’s door before opening it.

"Nah, come on in, what’s up?" Alfred leaned back in his chair.

Matthew walked in and closed the door, sitting on the edge of Alfred’s bed.

"What’s up?" Alfred asked again, spinning in his chair to face Matthew.

"Um, I was just wondering something. When do you kiss someone, or, why would you kiss someone?"

Alfred stared at Matthew, suspicious, "Why would you ask that?"

Matthew flushed, "Um….it’s about……..y-you!"


"And Arthur!"

"Me and Arthur?" Alfred raised an eyebrow, "You’re asking when and why you kiss someone……because of me and Arthur?"

"Uh…….y-yea," Matthew nodded, face red.

"I don’t see how me and Arthur are connected with kissing at all," Alfred said, then leaned forward, pointing at Matthew, "Is that what you were talking to Francis about? Jeeze, he put some weird thoughts into your head again,"

"N-no, that’s not it, I-I was just wondering. It-it was just a passing thought is all," Matthew messed with the hem of his shirt, looking away.

Alfred sighed and leaned back, folding his arms, "Well, you put the question very strangely,"

"I’ll try again then," Matthew said, "I just………um……what does a kiss on the forehead mean?"

Alfred raised an eyebrow, "Forehead? Um, affectionate, I guess. Every kiss is affectionate to some extent,"

"I-I see. It’s affectionate," Matthew was looking away, face red.

Alfred narrowed his eyes, "Did Francis do something? If he did I swear to god-,"

"N-no! He wasn’t involved! I was just……thinking…….you should do that!" Matthew cried, waving his hands and wondering where the hell he was going with this.

"Me?" Alfred pointed to himself, "The heck would I do that for?"

"T-to Arthur!!"

"Arthur? Why would I do that? Speak up,"

"B-because you feel that way for him, don’t you?" by know Matthew was completely winging it.

"Feel what way? Spit it out, Mattie!"

"You like him! S-so you should kiss him!"

Alfred stared silently at Matthew. He blinked as he assessed what Matthew had said, then jumped to his feet, "CANADIAN SAY WHAT?!?!"

Matthew flinched and looked away, "M-maybe I came to the wrong conclusion,"

"Yea no shit! Jeeze, Francis really did fill your head with weird shit!" Alfred held his head and let out a sigh, "Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you, that just shocked me,"

Matthew smiled weakly and stood up, "I’m sorry I brought it up. Well, goodnight brother,"

"Yea, goodnight Mattie,"

Matthew left the room and closed the door, then hurried to his room. He closed his own door and sighed heavily and slid down to sit on the ground, "Ah, I messed up. That went the completely wrong direction. How did I end up talking about Arthur? I barely know him. And somehow I ended up saying I thought Alfred liked him and I thought they should kiss? How did this happen?" he sighed again, "I have a feeling this won’t end well,"

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