Chapter 22: Darkness Settles

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Chapter 22: Darkness Settles

The sun was shining, brighter than Arthur knew it could, and he felt nothing but happiness as he watched Alfred messing with the soccer ball in his hands. He was talking rapidly, but Arthur couldn't make out what he was saying. Not that he cared. Just being near Alfred made him happy, so even if he couldn't hear him talk, the smile remained on his face.

That was just a dream though. In reality the sun wasn't shining. It didn't even feel like summer. There were dark clouds blocking the blue in the sky, and you could smell the oncoming storm on the wind.

Arthur grumbled as he heard his phone ring, then reached over and picked it up, pressing it to his ear and turning his head so his face wasn't in the pillow.

"Hello?" he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Arty, it's Ashling,"

"I'm at Al's,"

"Yea, I guessed, that's not why I'm calling,"

"Is it important? I'm really tired," Arthur sighed.

"Well, it might be. Some lady called yesterday asking for you. She said her name was Cher,"

Arthur opened his eyes. He pushed himself to his arms, "What?"

"Do you know her?"

"No, no, I........I've never heard the name before," Arthur said quickly, "Um......did she say something odd?"

"Yea, she said she was coming to town and that she wanted to meet up with you sometime. It sounded like she knew you personally. Anyway, that's all I called for. Sorry if I woke you up,"

"Oh, yea, it's alright," Arthur said, "Um, did she say anything else I should know about?"

"No, that was all. I've gotta get to work now. I'll see you later today,"

"Yea, bye," Arthur waited a moment before hanging up, then let out a shaky breath, "Shit,"

He laid back down, worn out and tired, and let the phone slip from his hand. He turned onto his other side and looked over at Alfred, who was still asleep. Arthur rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, thinking.

Cher was coming to town? How was this going to end?

Arthur hesitated and sat up, shaking Alfred's shoulder gently, "Al?"

"Mmmmm," Alfred moaned, rubbing his eyes, "Yea?"

"When is your dad getting back?"

"Um.....," Alfred stretched, "Two or three days I think," he blinked his eyes open and looked up at Arthur, "Why?"

"Ash just called," Arthur said, "She said someone called for me,"



Alfred sat up, "Seriously?"

"She said she was coming to town," Arthur said, nervous, "What the hell did we start, Al?"

Alfred put a hand on Arthur's face, "Nothing, everything's fine. She was probably just messing with you. Maybe it wasn't even Cher?" he looked over at his phone as it rang, then answered it, "Yea?"

"Hey Alfred, it's Lily. I just got a hit from that bank account in London,"

"What do you mean?"

"Well whoever owns it just booked a one way flight coming here,"

Alfred let out a breath, "Thanks,"

"No problem,"

Alfred hung up and tossed the phone aside.

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