Chapter 11: Barley Field

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Chapter 11: Barley Field

Arthur stared at the ceiling, feeling as depressed as he had when he'd first woken up in the hospital. He suddenly remembered that the only people who were there when he woke up were Ashling and the doctor.

Carson and Oliver had come later, but he didn't see Alistor until he'd gotten out of the hospital. That's when he'd learned they were moving to the U.S. His mother's funeral had been a week before Arthur had been allowed to leave the hospital, so he wasn't there when his siblings were.

He wondered if it was possible that the conversation from his dream had actually taken place. The possibility scared him.

He rolled over to his side and hugged one of his pillows, staring at the window.

Arthur could recall, though he wished he couldn't, that in the two months before they had moved, Alistor hadn't even looked at him. He only really started acting like his brother a week before they left England, after coming home from his job.

Arthur looked over at where his phone was sitting on his bedside table, ringing. He ignored it and turned onto his other side, pulling the covers over his head.

He would ask Alistor about everything if he wasn't so scared to. Instead he just stayed in bed.

He cursed when his phone rang again, but didn't make a move to answer it. He just wanted to be left alone.

Once again he let out a line of curses when he heard a knock on his door.

"Arthur? Are you feeling sick?" Ashling asked as she opened the door.

"No," Arthur replied.

Ashling was the last person he wanted to ignore, but he couldn't help it. In his dream, she had been the one to defend him first, but he felt bitter towards his siblings.

Arthur sat up and glared at his phone as it once again rang.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Ashling asked.

Arthur picked the phone up and pulled the battery out, then tossed it to the ground.

Ashling's eyes widened and she walked forward, "Arthur, what's wrong? You're acting weird,"

"Nothing's wrong," Arthur snapped.

Ashling narrowed her eyes, "Don't lie to me, Arthur. I know something's wrong. It's pretty obvious,"

"Don't lie?" Arthur shoved his covers away and stood up in front of Ashling, "I'm not lying. I'm fine. Nothing is wrong. See?" he motioned to himself, "Look at me, Ashling, I'm perfectly fine,"

Ashling stared at Arthur, worry and concern painted on her face. She reached towards Arthur, "Arthur, you're not fine,"

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