Chapter 15: Keep It A Secret

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Chapter 15: Keep It A Secret


Alfred’s eyes opened and he turned onto his side to see the clock. 11:20 on a Sunday.

Alfred jumped out of bed and rushed around his room, grabbing clothes, which he pulled on while still running around.

He was brushing his teeth the same time he was pulling his shoes on.

Matthew walked up to the door and knocked, staring into the room in confusion, "Um, brother?"

Alfred pulled the toothbrush from his mouth and looked at Matthew, "Yea man?!"

"What are you doing?"

"Getting dressed. I’m taking a walk with Arthur today," Alfred said, standing up and tapping the toe of his shoe on the ground. He grabbed a short sleeved button up shirt and pulled it over his V-neck, "You got plans?"

"Yea. I’m hanging out with Francis,"

Alfred spit out his toothbrush and gagged, "What?! Still?" he blinked, "I mean, have fun,"

Matthew tilted his head to the side, "Okay. I’ll see you later then,"

"Bye," Alfred watched Matthew leave, then sighed and folded his arms, "Jeeze, he worries me to death sometimes,"

He heard his phone vibrate and jumped headfirst over his bed, grabbing his phone and opening it. It was a message from Arthur saying he’d meet Alfred outside. Alfred texted back and jumped off his bed, running out the door and sliding down the railing.

He yelled goodbye to his mother and burst through the door, almost barreling into Arthur, who was standing at the end of the walkway.

"Ah, good morning Iggy!"

Arthur winced, "You’re so loud," he sighed, then smiled, "Good morning,"

Alfred grabbed Arthur’s hand and pulled him along behind him, "We’ve got a lot to talk about today, huh?"

Arthur blushed and looked down, "I guess,"

"Are you worried?"

"No, I’m fine. I want to talk to," Arthur walked faster to keep pace with Alfred and walk beside him, "What do we do about……you know,"

Alfred looked up, thinking. Eventually he shrugged and grinned at Arthur, "Want to go out with me?"

Arthur flushed, and gaped at Alfred, then looked away, "D-don’t ask questions like that, idiot,"

"So that’s a yes?"

Arthur hesitated and nodded, "We can try. I’ve never been in a relationship before, so I don’t know how it’ll go,"

Alfred smiled and tightened his grip, continuing down the sidewalk. Arthur smiled warmly as he entwined his fingers with Alfred’s, making him blush.

"I think this’ll be okay," Arthur said, looking at their hands. He blinked suddenly and paled, "As long as my siblings don’t find out,"

"Ohhhhhhhh shit," Alfred said, eyes wide, "Your brother would kill me, after torturing me slowly,"

Arthur nodded, "And Ashling would do something bad to. Maybe force you to wear a dress or something,"

"Ouch," Alfred winced at the thought.

"And Carson would make your worst fears come true,"


"You don’t want to know," Arthur said, "Oh, but Oliver would be the worst. He’d skin you alive, yank out your internal organs-,"

"Okay, don’t scare me to death, come on now,"

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