Chapter 7: Around The School

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Chapter 7: Around The School

“Do I have to?” Arthur mumbled, shoulders hunched and mouth set in a frown.

“Totally! Oh come on, they’re not that bad! Mattie’s great! Francis is a bit questionable, and steer clear of Ivan, but Yoa’s alright too! A bit….odd….but cool!” Alfred said, smiling.

Arthur sighed and shrugged, “Fine, fine, can we just go?”

“Yea man!” Alfred said, grabbing Arthur’s arm and pulling him through the halls and outside to a bench away from the crowds of kids.

Matthew, Francis, Ivan, and Yao were sitting there, and looked up when Alfred showed up.

“There you are. Where have you been lately?” Francis asked, his eyes widening when he saw Arthur.

“Just making a new friend,” Alfred said, sitting down beside Matthew.

Arthur sat down beside Alfred and hugged his bag to his chest. He paled when he saw everyone staring at him, so he lifted a hand and smiled weakly.


“Well at least he’s talking nicely now~ aru,”

“Da, I agree with Yao,”

“I think-,”

“So are you actually trying to make friends now?”

“Never mind,”

Arthur looked at the faces, “Um, not really. Do I have to be friends with you?” he felt nervous.

“I don’t think you do~ aru,”

“We are in same class so it makes since if you sit with us occasionally,”

“Oui, but if you want to be friends-,”

“Alright, sit farther away, stupid Frenchman,” Alfred said, pushing Francis back to his seat.

Arthur shrugged as the people at the table started talking casually.

“I feel like joining the culinary arts club,” Yao said, holding up chopsticks.

“Oui, that club is fun. I was in it last semester with Sadiq,” Francis said.

Arthur made a face at the mention of the Turk.

“I am still looking for good club,” Ivan said, “I was thinking of chorus, but they don’t like it when I’m in the room,”

“That is not hard to understand,” Yao said.

“There’s room in art,” Alfred said, “But you might not like it,”

“I do not think so. Art is not my highest talent,”

“There’s a writing class now,” Matthew piped up.

“I’ve heard of that,” Yao said, “Isn’t Dimitri Miklos in that club?”

Arthur spit is drink out and coughed. Alfred patted his back, and eyebrow raised.

“I think so,” Matthew said.

“Oh, writing class, hm?” Francis laughed, “If anyone here can write poetry it’s me,”

“Don’t act too humble now,” Alfred said, rolling his eyes.

“I like art though,” Francis said, “So I’ll probably stay there,”

“What about you?” Yao asked.

Arthur blinked, “I’m in music,”

“You play instrument?” Ivan asked.

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