Chapter 23: End It With A Bang

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Chapter 23: End It With A Bang

Alfred slammed his foot on the brakes and bolted out of his truck, sprinting up the walkway to Arthur's front to and ramming his fists against it, praying that his theory was false.

After a moment the door swung open, and an irritated Alistor glared out at Alfred.

"What is it?"

"Is Arthur here?!" Alfred asked breathlessly, knowing full well how terrible he must look.

Alistor raised an eyebrow, "No."

"He left a while ago," Ashling said from behind Alistor, her hands on her hips.


"No, he was with a woman. I think she said her name was Cher."

Alistor tensed at gaped back at Ashling.

"You let him leave with that psycho?!?!" Alfred screamed, grabbing at his hair, "Holy fuck, aren't you supposed to be his sister?!"

Ashling gaped at Alfred, then narrowed her eyes, "How dare you! Who do you think you are?!"

"Someone who knows a lot more about all this than you!" Alfred snapped, pulling out his phone. He froze when he saw he had a missed message and hesitated before viewing it. He read over the words slowly and the color left his face.

RE: I'm really sorry about everything. I should never have let myself get close to you. Just forget me, alright? It'll be better for you if you do. It'll make this easier. Even now though, I can't stop myself from loving you, so please forgive me for putting you through this. I'll see you around.

Alfred spun around and sprinted to his truck, Ashling and Alistor at his heels.

"Hey! Wait!" Ashling called, "What is the matter with you all of a sudden?! You're acting like a murder just took place!"

"That may just be the case," Alfred said shakily, opening the door to his truck and jumping into the driver's seat.

Alistor grabbed onto the handle, his eyes narrowed, "I'll let you drive off, but only after you tell us what the hell is going on."

Alfred hesitated, wondering what to say, then looked at Alistor, "Go up to Arthur's room and watch the home videos he has in his closet," he said simply, starting the truck, "I gotta go. Hopefully this won't be the last time we talk."


Arthur felt someone grab his arm, dragging him onto the ground outside the car. He rolled onto his stomach and coughed, holding back the urge to vomit as he steadied his heart rate and vision. Looking around he saw he was at the cemetery. Why the cemetery?

He looked up weakly to see Marcus standing with Cher, her hands working their way over his face and to his neck. Marcus smiled, "After this how about we take a trip to one of the expensive hotels in town?"

Cher giggled, "I'd love that."

Arthur pulled himself to his feet, leaning heavily against the car, and stared at Marcus, "Wh-what are you planning to do to me?"

"Shoot you, of course," Marcus said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I'll walk you to your father's grave and shoot you in the head, then make it look like a suicide."

Arthur scoffed, "No one's going to believe that."

"Won't they? I've seen your hospital records, Arthur. Cuts on your wrist, anxiety and panic attacks, hallucinations, constant nightmares, and a fear of thunder. You really think people won't believe that poor, seventeen year old Arthur Kirkland, just couldn't live with the guilt of killing his mother? He couldn't handle all the pain from the anxiety, all the exhaustion from the insomnia. He just had to end it. There was nothing that could be done about it," Marcus smiled, "I'll get away with killing you, just like I got away with killing your father," he lifted a gun, "Now walk."

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