Chapter 17: Last First Kiss

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Chapter 17: Last First Kiss


Arthur stared into his closet, nervousness overwhelming him.

"Wh-why the hell am I so freaked out?" he asked himself, turning away and falling on his bed, "Honestly, it doesn't matter what I wear, all that matters is I keep my promise,"

He looked up when there was a knock at his door, "Come in,"

Alistor opened the door and smiled, "Hey, how are you doing?"

"Fine. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you were going to your school's prom,"

"Yes, actually, and unfortunately it's tomorrow," he sighed, "Why ask?"

"Who're you going with? Did someone ask you?"

"No," Arthur lied, "I'm just going with Alfred, Francis, and Matthew. Seriously though, why are you asking?"

"Ashling, Carson, Oliver and I offered to chaperone for the dance. This way we can keep an eye on you," Alistor explained.

Arthur stared at Alistor a moment. He stood up from the bed, walked into his bathroom, walked back out with a cup of water, and took a long drink, then spit the water out and dropped the cup, "YOU WHAT?!?! ARE YOU INSANE?!?!"

Alistor just smiled, "Just making sure you know," he turned, "I need to finish my shift at work, so I'll be back late. Night,"

Arthur watched Alistor close the door, then dove over his bed and grabbed his phone. He dialed Alfred and put the phone to his ear.


"We got some trouble," Arthur said.

"Hm? What? Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm okay........or I was until I found out Alistor and the others are CHAPERONING THE PROM,"

"Oh, well, that's............WHAT?!?!"

"See my point?"

"Yes I do. So what's the plan? I can't kiss you when your brother's and sister are right there,"

Arthur blushed furiously, "I-idiot! Don't go off saying stuff like that out loud!"

"Awe, I made you blush. Damn, why am I never there when I do that?"

"Shut up,"

Alfred laughed, "Well, I'll think of something. Don't worry too much about it, okay?"

"Okay. I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow night,"

"Love you,"

Arthur smiled, "Me too,"

He hung up and leaned against his bed, thinking about the dance. He stood up and walked over to the closet, pulling out black pants, a white button up shirt, and a black jacket.

"It doesn't need to be fancy," he said to himself. He turned off the light and laid in bed, then closed his eyes, falling asleep immediately.


"Arthur! Are you ready?!" Carson called.

Arthur sighed and pulled the arm warmer over his scars, then pulled the jacket on and left his room, "I was gonna walk with Alfred," he said.

"Why not with us?"

"I walk with you all the time. I live with you," Arthur said.

"Go on then," Carson said, "Ashling's not ready anyways. We'll see you there,"

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