Chapter16: The School Festival

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Chapter 16: The School Festival


Arthur looked over the song he'd spent three days working on. After reading over it several times he nodded, "It's as good as it's gonna get," he said to himself, slipping the paper into a folder.

He grabbed a guitar case and set the folder in it, then put his guitar over it. He closed the case and locked it, then stood up and swung it over his shoulder.

It was Friday, and the festival went on all day, with no classes, so Arthur was going to leave his bag. He was wearing jeans, a black button up shirt that stopped at his elbows, and a red checkered tie that was only half tightened. Besides his clothes, Arthur was wearing the arm warmer from Alfred. After the cuts healed it would only cover part of the scars, but Arthur decided he'd worry about that later.

He wore it over the gauze, which was still visible, but Arthur hoped no one would notice or ask questions.

He grabbed his phone and texted Alfred, then left his room and walked down the stairs.

"What are you so dressed up for?" Ashling asked.

"There's a festival at school today," Arthur explained, "No classes or anything. There are bake sales and art sales and car washes and stuff like that to raise money for the school. Everyone's free to do what they want,"

"That sounds fun," Ashling smiled, "Oh, but just in case," she walked over to the cabinets and pulled out Arthur's medicine. She handed him one, "Take that if you start feeling sick, alright?"

"Okay," Arthur said, putting the pill in his pocket, "I'll see you after the school festival,"

"Have a good day!" Ashling called.

Arthur met Alfred at the sidewalk and they started walking.

"I see you have your guitar," Alfred pointed out.

"Yea," Arthur said, "I'm still freaking out though. If I mess up I'll never show my face in public again,"

Alfred laughed and grabbed Arthur's hand, squeezing it, "You'll do fine, Arty. What time do you go on again?"

Arthur looked down at his phone, "Ah, just after 2,"

"So we have a few hours to look around, or play socer,"

"Still think you can beat me?" Arthur smirked.

Alfred laughed, then looked at Arthur, "No, I don't, but you can try and beat Antonio, or Gilbert, or Dimitri. That'll be fun to watch. Or you could play Sadiq,"

"Wow, thanks so much for reminding me of my first day," Arthur sighed, "I'll play Antonio or something. He's Spanish, so he must have some skills. I'd love to play a Brazilian. Now that would be great,"

"Well just start with Antonio," Alfred chuckled. He let go of Arthur's hand when they came into view of the school and walked into the courtyard.

Booths were set up everywhere on the front lawn leading up to the front steps, and people were everywhere. Students, teachers, and even parents.

Alfred waved to Matthew and Francis and walked up to him, "What's going on, guys?"

"The usual," Francis said, "So far at least. I see you brought your own instrument, Arthur,"

"I'll beat you with it, depending on what you say," Arthur said.

Francis laughed, "Of course you will. What are you two planning on doing today?"

Arthur and Alfred shrugged.

"I have a few hours before I'm supposed to meet Roderich," Arthur said.

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