Chapter 18: The Attic

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Chapter 18: The Attic

Arthur woke up slowly. At first he was confused. He'd forgotten where he was or what had happened. He reached an arm to his face and rubbed his eyes furiously until he could see clearly. He looked to the side where Alfred was fast asleep beside him.

Arthur blinked in confusion, wondering why he was so sore. The realization smacked him like a wet towel and he shot up, wincing, "Bloody fucking shit," he hissed through his teeth, looking to see if he had woken up Alfred.

He settled back when he saw Alfred was still sleeping, then let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair, "What the hell? Did I really......?" he was still a moment, thinking through what had happened. Eventually he let out another sigh, then laid back down, sliding closer to Alfred and closing his eyes.

"Whatever. I'll never be able to bring myself to regret it,"

He laid still a long time, with his head against Alfred's bare chest. Eventually his heart beat lulled Arthur into a light sleep, but awoke when Alfred shifted and rubbed his eyes.

"God, what time is it?" he mumbled.

Arthur leaned up and looked at the clock on the wall, "Almost 11,"

"SHIT!" Alfred cried, jumping up, "My plane leaves in an hour!"

Arthur looked away as he sprinted out of the room, then looked back at the clock. He hurried to dress and swallowed a nervous lump in his throat, wondering if Alfred would mention the previous night.

When he exited the bathroom though, he said nothing. He dried his hair and grabbed his suitcase while pulling shoes on and brushing his teeth. The sight was funny, and made Arthur chuckle.

After Alfred had everything down the stairs, he finally turned to Arthur, who had been following and watching silently. Alfred wrapped his arms around Arthur and kissed him gently on the lips, then turned to the door, "Can you help get these bags to the car for me?"

"Yea," Arthur said, grabbing several items.

He helped pack the back of the truck, then looked up at the cloudy sky. Horror shot through him and he shuddered, looking back at Alfred, who was locking the house.

He frowned when he saw Arthur's face, "What's the matter?"

"It looks like it's gonna rain," Arthur muttered.

Alfred smiled warmly and wrapped his arms around Arthur from behind, "Don't worry about it, alright? Just watch some TV. Distract yourself. I can't call while I'm driving or on the plane, but I will when I get to Canada. I promise,"

Arthur nodded, "Okay,"

Alfred kissed his cheek and walked up to the truck, hopping in and starting the engine. He smiled at Arthur before pulling out of the driveway.

Before he got far though, Arthur ran forward, grabbing onto the door.

"What?" Alfred asked, worried.

"J-just be careful," Arthur stuttered out fearfully, "If you crash.......," he trailed off.

Alfred furrowed his eyebrows and lifted a hand, using his thumb to wipe away a stray tear from Arthur's cheek, "I'll be safe, alright? Expect my call," he smiled and sat back.

Arthur backed away and nodded slowly.

Alfred laughed suddenly, "I love you!" he called, then drove down the street.

Arthur walked slowly towards his house. When he reached the walkway that lead to his front door, a clap of thunder stopped him, and he looked up at the sky as the rain fell down, soaking him in a matter of seconds. More thunder sounded, but instead of cringing away, Arthur just watched as the rain came down, the dark clouds, the sudden flashes of lightning, the loud boom of the thunder, and for the first time since the crash, he couldn't help thinking it was, in a way, beautiful.

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