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By the time we get to Tony's house it's late. Tony barely said anything on the way, all though he kept staring at me. A man named Happy opens the door to the car, as Tony walks off he tells Happy that the girl is a guest and will be staying here for a while. I get out of the car and follow Tony inside.

Tony says for me to stay in the living room as he runs downstairs. Happy looks at me and asks, "And who are you."

I look at him and say, "I'm sorry for being rude I'm Tony's younger sister Y/N."

Happy was beyond confused. "Who? I'm sorry-don't think I've heard of u, younger sister, I thought Tony was a only child."

At the same time Tony walks up with a pillow and blanket and puts it on the couch. Tony looks at happy, "Don't ask; I'm going to get to the bottom of this tomorrow morning. Right now I have a headache and don't want another word form no one." As Tony walks away he says out loud, "Jarvis lock up and add guest Y/N to house."

I look at Happy. "Who is this Jarvis?"

"Oh it's Tony's AI assistant."

"Nice, so I guess he's as smart as they say."
Happy looks go from normal to excited. Happy starts to go on and on about Tony. Soon after, he walks me to show me the bathroom and kitchen so Id know where I was.

When we get back to the living room I sit on the couch knowing this was going to be my new normal. Happy wishes me a good night and heads out. I lay down, kind of excited, knowing tomorrow starts my new life with my brother.

Morning comes and get woke from a few people talking. It's 2 females, one I noticed it's Natasha, as I almost run up to her; she hand signs me to not come any further. This other girl looks at me like I was not welcomed at all, she glares at me and says, "Let me guess. You need a ride home."

  "What?" I Express. She goes to call for a car. I but in, "Excuse me, I live here now." The lady gives me the most awful look. So I did the only thing I could I yell out for Tony.

Within a few minutes Tony is upstairs. He looks and me and looks at the girl. "Pepper let me explain, this is most definitely not what it seems." Tony takes a deep breath and starts explaining everything. Pepper constantly looks at me then at Tony.

By the end of it Pepper says, "Well at least you can Believe it, you both look just like each other." Both of us look at each other, almost at the same time go eww no. Natasha does a small giggle then goes back to her serious self.

Tony looks at me and tells me to go downstairs and to not touch a single thing till he gets downstairs. I try and listen to what they are saying but they walk away so I can't hear much. I open the door and see Tony's work area and it's amazing. His iron man suits are just out of this world. I walk by each and evey car just in aww. All of a sudden Tony says, "Ok, where to start."

I look up and say "Let's start over. Hi my name is Y/N Stark." I reach out my hand as he looks at me like I'm the crazy one.

He asks, "So what do u do, left run just be annoying."

I get so mad I walk over to Tonys computer and stare at it. He smiles and shakes his head as he wishes me luck. Within 5 mints I say out loud, "Hi Jarvis!"

"Good morning Y/N."

Tony panics and resets his computer, looks at me and says, "So you can hack. You're as smart as me." As I grab a pen from Tony's computer desk I slice my hand a little and almost instantly it starts to heal. Funky Tony gives me the look with a smile. "Anything else you seem fine to me."

I sigh, I walk over to Tony and I say, "It's the only way to show u, please don't be mad." I lay my hand on Tony chest his mind and my mind sync.

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