What to think.

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Loki looks at me and says, "It's all going to plan." Next thing I know the power cuts off and Loki's door opens and Thor shows up. I watch as Thor screams and rushes to Loki, but goes right though him. Loki walks to the Monitor and locks Thor in. "You fall for it every time brother," Loki laughs at him. Thor hits the glass of the lock room and starts to let go.

I yell, "Don't hit the glass!"

  That's when Phil walks in with this big weird gun. Points it right at Loki and ask, "Do you know what this does?" Loki puts his hand up and shacks his head, he has a look of defeat. Before I know it there was another Loki standing behind him, which he stabs Phil right through his chest. I run over to him and try and see what I can do.

That's when Loki reaches his hand to me and says, "Let's go." Of course I hesitate as I reach my hand to his. But soon after Phil pulls the lever to the gun shoots Loki to the next room. Phil hangs on to me tight as he can, Loki runs off without me.

I see what I can do as Phil says to me, "Don't let the truth judge your heart, we do things to help and we will win,"

I cry, hard. That's when Nick walks in checks on Phil, I'm crying so hard from being hurt from Loki leaving me and now Phil dying. An agent helps me up and walks me to the main hall, where Tony meets me and Steve is there too. I hug Tony so big and tight as he sits me and him down as Nick starts to talk, but before he talks he throws down Captain America cards all bloody. "I know he talks about being a team but it's hard to be one with no trust." Next thing I know Tony grabs my hand and walks us out and gets us pack up to leave.

Tony takes me to this large building he's been working on. "It's safer here for you and the rest of us right now."

"So this must be the Stark tower I have read about. It's nice." I respond.

Tony takes me to near the top of the tower and shows me a room. "I made sure to give you your own space here, soon I'll let you go and choose what you like or want for it."

I smile and hug Tony. Tony then says, "From right now till things are straightened out no more shield work."

  I my smile gone, "Wait, what? No no no, you can't do that to me. I work my life to train and do what I know to now be kick out."

Tony goes to a stern face, "It's not safe for you, and as your brother I'm telling you, you are out!"

  I yell at Tony, "Your Not my father, you can't tell me what I can or can't do." as I slam the door on Tony.

Tony shouts from the outside. "I'm leaving, you better be good, and not talk to no one or just don't do anything stupid."
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Sorry short the best part is happening in the next chapter. So it will be long.

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