Where I Stand.

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      Happy to know I'm in safe hands, I finally start to calm down. I sit and stare at loki that is now sitting right across from me. Feelings of the unknown. Loki looks and says, Your talking no more, did I do my job?"

      Knowing I need to keep my cool, I stand and walk over and look him right in his eyes, face to face, "You have to do more then that to stop me from talking to you." Tony pulls me away as it starts to storm.

      Loki looks around almost scared. Steve looks at Loki and says, "are you scared of some Lightning?"

      Loki responds back with, "I'm not too Fond of what follows." Next thing I hear is a bang on the outside of the air craft and the back door, it tore off. In a blink of an eye, a man with a red cape swoops in and takes Loki.

      Tony puts his mask back on and tells me, "Stay here, don't leave," and then flys off the air craft. Then Steve's grabs a parachute and jumps right after them.

      As I start to grab a parachute too, Natasha yells at me and says for me to stay put. I head back to my seat and sit.

      Within 30 minutes Tony and Steve and this other guy with the red cape, with Loki, are back. They lock the air craft as we fly back to the large shield Helicarrier.

      Nick meets us as soon as we land, Nick and Steve, and I guess his name is Thor, take Loki one way, as Natasha and Tony take me to the nurses station. "Look I'm fine" I say as we walk.

      "We Need to make sure you are, before we do anything" Natasha explains.

      "Mostly cause you made him teleport as soon as he touch your heart with that staff." Tony says with concern.

      A little later the nurse checked me out and Tony does his check up a bit later. Once my check up is done I say, "See, I'm fine, just like I said." I look in the main room where I see almost everyone, and they are talking. I know I need to go in and talk with them and let them know what I know. But I instead go looking for Loki; I know my job with him is not done. He was starting to talk and trust me, I need to get more so I can try and be part of the team.

      I find him locked in a large round room. I go closer, Loki is sitting on a bench and just looking out. As soon as he see me he smiles, "You could not stay away, huh."

      I look at him and say, "talk, I know there is more to this picture but you have yet to say. I need to know."

      He begins to walk closer to me and says, "You know this is not the place to talk, there are cameras watching us you know."

    I Glair at him, "What are you scared of?"

      "I'm not scared!" loki says without hesitation, "But you, you're the one who should be." Loki goes on and continues to say, "You know, there is Info on all of your friends but you. Why are you part of this group?"

      I bang on the glass and yell "You think your the only one with your own thing of wanting to be apart of something. I thought you were something else, but you proved to me that I was wrong. We will stop you, and send you back to wherever you think your from!"

    That's when Natasha walks in and pulls me away, and in an angry voice she yells, "What do you think you are doing!"

      Me, yelling, "All I'm doing is trying to help, I got close to him so I can get info out of him so I can be apart of the team."

      Natasha takes a deep breath hugs me and tells me, "Go to the testing area, everyone is looking for you." I walk away as Natasha walks into Loki area.

      I enter and almost everyone one is fighting and all I hear is Tony saying, "You we're lying to all of us!" Nick starts telling everyone of why they need the tesseract. Natasha walks in and tells Bruce he needs to get off cause, it's because of him of why Loki is here. I felt lost and confused so I run.

      Without telling myself we're to go, I'm back in where Loki is. "What is it darling?" I look at him as he smiles, "find out that it's not all rainbows and sunshine?" As tears are going down my face he places his hand on the glass and says, "Come with me I'll keep u safe." Next thing I know warning sirens are going off, and I hear a large rawr coming from somewhere close.

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