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—————————-Thor POV ————————-

After the meeting I make my way back up to Asgard. Almost in the blink of a eye, I'm back. I make my way to the main house. How should I do this, when should I. It's not like father will just let Loki go. Maybe I'll talk with mother and she might have a idea of how to go with this.

————————Loki POV—————————

"Mother I know it can't be helped. She won't leave my mind, it's like she walks around claiming everything as hers."

  "Hush now, Loki" freya holds her finger to his lips. "You know what all this means don't you."

  I yell, "No, mother, I do not know what that means."

"Well I'll let you think of what it means to yourself, before something you regret really happens." Freya looks over and sees Thor in her room. "Well Loki, we will talk soon, if your even here." I look at freya weird. I look around and get so mad I start throwing things and braking things. "What does Y/N have on me! I would never love anyone like her ever!" I then take the table and throw it against the wall.

—————————Thor POV ————————

"Sorry mother for dropping by, but I have something I need to talk about, we need to figure something out ASAP," I ask

"Hello to my son, I was just checking on your brother, he's doing ok." freya goes to say.

"That's good to hear," talking about Loki, "I need to talk to him, and I need him to come to earth."

  "Really?" freya smiles, "And does it involve a young girl, does it?"

  Thor shrugs, "Yeah, Kinda,"

  "Well, I guess I will be keeping your father occupied for the next few hours," freya walks out, "and oh the button to open it is in the corner."

  "Mother!" I yell out, "your not saying what I'm thinking are you." She waves and keeps walking. "Well, I guess I'm breaking Loki out." I rush to the cells and find Loki. "Good day Loki" as I see him reading in bed.

"Looks like you came and visit," Loki says joking.

I smile, "Well first off you can drop the look, even I know you better." As Loki drops the look of everything is fine. "What's wrong with you brother?"

——————————Loki POV—————————
"What's wrong with me?" I laugh, "what's wrong with me? I don't know."

  Thor asks, "What did she show you?"

  I look at thor with hate and sadness. "How do you know that? I've never said a word."

"Tony asked me to ask you," Thor says.

"Well I'm not going to tell you nothing you don't need to know."

  "Come now brother, what ever she show you is what is making you feel this way. Just tell me what it was."

  I stand and walk over fast. "You really want to know don't you, then fine. She showed me with her and we we're in love."

  Thor starts to laugh, "Yesss, about time brother."

I look at him confused, "What's so funny, there is nothing to be laughing about."

Thor looks at me with the biggest smile that I've ever seen in him. "Loki, your in love with Y/N."

  I slam my fist on the Barrier as I yell, "No, I'm not."

Thor walks over and hits a button and the barriers to my cage go away. Thor says "Come on brother we're going back to earth."

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