Fun and disaster

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I knock and say, "I'm ready." The door opens with Loki behind it. Loki looks at me and  barely blinks. "Take a picture it will last longer," I say with sarcastic voice.

Loki looks away quickly with saying, "You look good." I thank him as we walk to the car. Of corse it's a stolen car from shield.

  I sit in the car. While we're on the drive they're so many things come to mind. I know Tony is upset and so is Natasha. And I also bet Nick is worried about not having the tesseract. When I finally look away from the window I see Loki just staring at me. "Well it's more work time and the dress helps even more. So who are you anyway?" I ask.

  "I'm Loki, Prince of Asgard and rightful king." Loki says.

I do a pretend bow. "Prince Loki," as I roll to my side laughing.

"What's so funny? It's true," Loki says with crossed arms.

"Yea, and I'm the rightful queen of England. So what are you attacking earth for if your supposed to be king? Oh," before he says anything, "You have a older brother who is first in line, and if I'm right, hmm does a god of Thunder sound familiar.

Loki gets mad and raise his staff right at me. "I will show my father that I'm fix to be king, once I take over earth."

  I push away the staff, "I don't think you want to ruin your own plan before it starts." Loki lowers his staff and the car comes to a stop. We get out of the car and see a large place that's fancy as can be, but still about a few blocks away. I see Clint get out of the back and I look at Loki and say, "Your wearing weird clothes like that," I say pointing to his outfit, "to a fancy thing like that."I point at the building.

Then right in front of me he changed into this nice black suit. His hair slick back. My heart starts to beat a little faster. My eyes grow wide as he looks right at me. No, no no I turn real fast as a limo pulls up. He opens the door, "Your ride is here. Remember you just need to get this guy." as he pulls the picture out. "Take him to the back of the stairs. I'll take care of the rest." I nod, get in, and the limo takes off.

I take a deep breath and calm down and I murmur, "Just need to pull the guy to the stairs and it will be all over." It's my turn to get out, I get helped out. I walk in and look around. "How does Natasha do this so easy." I see the the guy, "Well time to work my magic." I walk over and start every set Natasha said to do. A little chitchat and of course, touch. I walk him to the stairs like Loki said to do.

Wait he touched my butt. But god, I don't think he would work that fast. Not even 60 seconds go by and Loki takes his cane and waxes him over. I'm in plain shock of what happened. Loki grabs the guy and throws him on this stone table, people are runing right and left, as I watch him pull out this thing and goes right for his eye. The look in his eye was pure evil. I was legitimately scared.

He looks at me with a large grin and he says, "I will rule over this world." As much as I'm scared, but my heart beats faster as tears start to roll out. He takes me by Force and he changes into this hole other outfit with a helmet with large horns.

He also then makes what seems to be clones of himself, many of him yes him, "Stop the people out side" and he also yells out "kneel" I kneel too. Everyone looks at him and goes to one knee. He gives a speech but my mind is so overwhelming of everything going on I really don't listen. Just as soon as I feel to give up Loki is on the ground by a large shield and in the sky is a aircraft with Natasha as the pilot. Captain American and Loki fight at it. As soon as I get up and wipe my tears there is a large blast. I smile knowing that is iron man, my brother, is here to save me.

They get Loki locked up and Tony picks me up and takes me to the aircraft. He opens his face shield. "Hey now, where's the strong girl I know at, she don't cry?"

I smile as Natasha speaks up, "Yea we will show him up later, I promise."

  Captain American kneels down and introduces himself. "Hi you must be my say so testing twin." I smile and nod as he shacks my hand.

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Sorry so long. But it's getting closer to where I want the to story to be. Thank you for reading.

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