Just wake up

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Tony POV
It's been two days sence the battle of New York, since Y/N used her power to distraught Loki and fell. She has yet to wake up. Just yesterday Thor took Loki back to Asgard and I have yet to hear back from him. Between all of us we have been watching over Y/N. Later on I was on watch while working on another suit. In the next room I hear, "Nick we're are you."

I rush over and see her sitting up just looking around as she asks for Nick. "Y/N it's me your brother, I'm here."

"Who are you?" Well it looks like she lost her memory. I call Nick and ask for him to come over.

—————————-Y/N POV————————-

I wake up in a room I've never see before. I yell for Nick a few time no one comes. Next thing I know the light turns on and there is this guy who I've never see before. "Y/N, it's me your brother."

"Brother?  I don't have a brother."

He comes up to me and introduces himself, "Hi, I'm Tony and I'm your brother."

  I look confused at him, "I did not know I had a brother." Then I smile and says, "I always wanted a brother."

  He gets on the phone and calls someone. Tony helps me walk to the bar area we're he gets me a drink of water. We small talk about who he is and shows me the iron man suit. Then Nick and Natasha walk in as I run and hug Nick and pay no attention to Natasha. "It's almost like her mind converted back to when she was young, I was the only one she really knows." Nick says to inform Tony.

"Well then, we Need her to get back on track maybe spending time with all of us and talking to her will help." Tony just starts thinking of ideas. "It's worth a try, but first explain that she is not a little one no more."

Weeks go by I relearn everything most is not a little kid. No matter what, there just seams to be something missing. Natasha walks in, "Guess what, there is one thing we keep forgetting to talk about."

  "What's that?" I get excited.

"Next week is your birthday."

  "What, no way, really? Yay." I get happy about it. I look over to Tony, "Can I have a large party?"

  Tony was already making a drink for himself. "Of course, we can invite everyone and dance and all kind of stuff."

  "We can invite all the Avengers, right" I ask.

"Of course we can," Tony says.

Next thing we know the news comes on and starts talk about the battle of New York, they show Loki picture on the screen. I look really close at it and turn to Tony, "Do I know him?"

All of a sudden my head starts to hurt, I grab my head and curl into a ball. Tony yells really fast  to tell Jarvis to turn off the tv.

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